Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

@eric.kiser and @howard: yes, it has a slimmer neck than a regular jazz - that is one of the things differentiating it - the other main thing being that is has a badass (high mass) bridge instead of the “standard” Fender bridge.

I have played it some yesterday, and plan to do some more playing today, and really like the feel of it. However, that said, (and never having owned or played a “regular” jazz), I am not sure whether I have the experience or skill set yet to be able to really notice the difference of a slimmer neck. I will try and play the Geddy Lee in direct comparison with the Yamaha I own (and potentially the beginner P-bass I also have) and see what transpires. But, of course, they are also set up slightly differently - so, that will certainly also “flavor” my experience.

I guess I mainly bought it for its tone (and the GL is said to be even punchier than the regular J) and the variation in tone you can get out of a J-bass.


Awesome. If your TRBii is anything like the TRBX (or the RBX) then i imagine it has a nice thin neck too. Then again yours is a TRBii 5 so it will be wider.

Man. The TRBii 4-string would be a perfect BEAD guitar. It’s still 35".


Yeah, I guess! The B string is gorgeous on the 5-string! I don’t know how many TRB4ii’s are on the used market, though…

Hm, yes, maybe I am indeed lacking the proper reference for a “fatter” neck… :smile:


P-bass usually has a fatter neck :slight_smile:


ho ho , didn’t knew you also have a beginner P ! perfect thing for alternate tunings experiments ! :sunglasses:

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Thanks @eric.kiser ! I will soon.

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Glad I’m not the only one. There is still hope I’ll learn :+1:t3:


Haha, yeah, let me get the standard tuning playing right first :grin:


Coming back to the bass comparison: yes, it is a slimmer neck and it feels great, but I am not sure how good my playing/technique is to truly being able to appreciate it. I think it is as much the lower action that makes the Jazz more easily playable (compared to my copy-P). I tried to make a comparison of the sounds I get out of the basses with my style of playing, at almost neutral settings (see below). Granted, the differences should be more pronounced when slapping or playing more funky, but that’ll have to wait until I can play those styles :smile:

Please read the description for more info (on the settings), or just listen first and try to guess which one is which (Yamaha, P, or Jazz) - it is three times the same melodic bass line (about 50 seconds per bass):

PS: I hope this is still the right thread for sharing this kind of information!?!

TLDR: the GL Jazz is a great bass, which plays nicely and has tons of tone options!

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The Fender Jazz bass is the instrument i play outside of the house. the Washburn semi-acoustic is what I play when I’m sitting around home doing things like this course because i don’t need to mess with an amp, just grab it and play. I got the Washburn on a lark and discovered i really prefer fretless but the semi-acoustic is very touchy and prone to feedback. So, I was thinking of going all Jaco on my Jazz bass by ripping out the frets but decided on an aftermarket neck instead and swapped out the pick-ups for some DiMarzio humbuckers. I’m using a Quilter Bass Block 800 amp.


Welcome aboard, @techquaikachi . . . :slight_smile:


@joergkutter you will tell (again) I’m crazy :sweat_smile: but I’ll add some challenge and I try to find which bass you used, not by the sound but by the shape of the sound wave displayed by SoundCloud. So, my guess is : 1 = P-style , 2 = Yam , 3 = J. I’m wondering how much I’m wrong :rofl:

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Love this, @terb! I will not give the right order here, if people still want to try for themselves, but if you go into SoundCloud, and click on the title, you should be able to see all the info there :smile:

And, by the way, it’s the good kind of crazy :rofl:


if I click on the soundcloud link I go to your page but I don’t see this track. but I’ll wait for the answer, no problem :slight_smile:

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@techquaikachi I would love to hear what those sound like through that Quilter Bass Block.

We have this thread if you want to share. Post your covers!

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I’ll play. I’m guessing P - J - Y!

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When i first got the Quilter amp i wasn’t sure if i liked it. The controls work differently than other amps i’ve used and it took some time and messing around with knobs before i started getting the sounds i wanted. Now i like it. I also especially like that it weighs 4 lbs. and is sightly larger than a cigar box. :open_mouth:

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It has finally happened!!! I had to drive 3.5 hours round trip, but it also came with a case and strap I wasn’t expecting, so that is a bonus!! And the only cases I could find were $180+, so all in all, I got about $900ish worth of equipment for $450.

The neck is as smooth as can be and feels amazing. I had a very long day (cats brought a squirrel into the house…it wasn’t dead) so I haven’t been able to actually play it yet, but I loved the few minutes I tried it out when I picked it up. Some of these pics were from the listing and the ones with the case are from me. The case is a sort of Tweed type material. Kind of a gold crushed velour interior.

Also, the first pic with the case is upside down…not sure why.


what a beauty ! I really love the shape :heart_eyes:


Brandon, so long as you find it comfortable to play, I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that beauty is going to spoil all other basses for you for a long time to come. :slight_smile:

It ticks a lot of boxes that people pay a LOT more for. :+1: