That is a great looking bass, but to be honest, I am losing faith in the CFO. I fear she has lost all control.
I’m the CEO. She only has the control I give her.
Gads, I hope she doesn’t read this, and if any of you repeat it, I’ll deny it. And I’m a software developer, I’ll be able to show how you forged this post.
No forging required. A screenshot will speak volumes.
Flop sweat in buckets
Never in writing @JustTim, never in writing. Im a network engineer and can track the post back to the IP of the originating device
I love that colour.
Ooh. Oooh I like that shape a lot.
Another screen shot for the collection……
Was gonna say. And also…
Who isn’t?
Something, VPN, something, proxy, something, something.
You mean another photoshop job, right?
That is becoming the case, isn’t it? “I hate my job, I’m going to learn to write software!”
It’s actually a reeeeeeeeeeaaally old joke on the internet, wau back to early usenet, back when nearly everyone online was either a software developer or a CS major.
Actually it was kind of nice back then
Something, VPN, something, proxy, something, something
That’s what Al-Qaeda thought
early usenet
Ah, Usenet. wistful sigh
alt.binaries… um, never mind.
Welcome @Doc_G! That’s a nice and classic duo you got there. All that’s missing is a jazz bass
And it would work well if it was white also
A JB is next in line. And yes, it will be white
You’re going to fit in very nicely here
Yesssssssssss! I love that orange color!