Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

Welcome, @AgentRock63 . . . :slight_smile:

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Welcome @AgentRock63!

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Sounds like a great project!


@sanfordrick It was challenging and a lot of fun. Now if I can just figure out the intonation!

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I have a Bridgecraft bass that I started out with, found out neck was warped so I bought the “Black Beauty” Fender Squier J-Bass. Sooo much easier to play!!! I also have a Fender Rumble LT25. Pretty cool to be able to play with your tone and not have to trip over a bunch of pedals!


Very nice, @biohazz65 . . . :slight_smile:

I have a Squier J-bass also, and I’m very happy with it.

Cheers, Joe

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@Pal_Zero That’s a beauty.

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Thank you so much! :upside_down_face:


Hi all! Have just signed up and got the Beginners to Badass course after stumbling onto Josh’s videos online. Absolutely great stuff! So refreshing and constructive. Anyway, just wanted to say hello from the UK and I might as well start with this thread. Here is the family! -

These are the Fender Vintera precision and jazz bases respectively. I cannot decide which one I prefer and it’s a constant battle picking one up over the other :slight_smile: Please ignore the battered strat in the background - it’s not even mine :smiley:

I also have this double bass which is amazing fun and has ridiculously cool tone. I often just play the theme tune to Jaws on it :slight_smile:

And they all plug in to this MarkBass combo amp which I’m still getting to grips with -

Anyway, good to meet you all, and look forward to talking more bass!


Great looking gear you have @quadfather. Stop by the Introduce Yourself thread and say hello.


Cheers! And will do

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Welcome aboard and nice-looking basses, @quadfather . . . :slight_smile:

I’ve always been partial to Fenders myself, and it can be hard to decide J vs P

Good luck in the course!

Cheers, Joe


it’s not a Strat, it’s a Mustang :grin:

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Hah! Shows how much attention I pay to it :grin:


So, here is what a combination of cabin fever, GAS and some unexpected tax returns will do to you:

There are two new additions to the family: there is, of course, the Mayones (potentially the most expensive item I ever owned (other than a car)) and then there is the Harley-Benton 6-string. Those of you who had been following know that I had pulled the trigger on the Mayones and was trying to offset some of the cost by selling the P and the J, but, alas, I couldn’t get a decent price for them (blame it on the current situation, where people hesitate to invest in “non-essential” things, as previously discussed). Now, I am kind of glad I didn’t sell them… somehow, I have such a hard time saying goodbye to pretty much anything, but these basses in particular. And they are really good basses, too!

So, yeah, the Mayones is, not surprisingly, an awesome instrument, and a PJ, not to forget (maybe I’ll do an in-depth review later). While I was waiting, I decided to go for the H-B BZ 6000NT, because… well… yeah, cabin fever, 6-string(!), and an unbeatable price tag! And, wow, for about 380 dollars you get a truly amazing bass. Sure, don’t look too closely on some of the finishing touches and it’s got a fake ebony fretboard made from a polymer called Ebonol (which gives your fingers black residue for a while), but it sounds great, the 18V pre-amp makes this bass growl and scream and it plays well too. I thought I’d get it fast from Thomann (while waiting for the other bass), but it turned out it sat in a setup queue for a while at Thomann’s as they wouldn’t let it out without a proper setup. And it is very well set up indeed. Such a fun instrument… but, my god, the muting skills it requires :open_mouth:

In the end, both basses arrived almost at the same time, and my wife was a bit like “what’s wrong with you?”, but she’s a really good sport about it. Still, I probably shouldn’t buy another bass for a good long while… :sweat_smile:


Nice! H-B seems like the European version of SX, making inexpensive basses with high quality for the price.


Yeah, it is Thomann’s house brand - basses, electric and acoustic guitars and other paraphernalia. They produce them somewhere in Vietnam, AFAIK.


very nice ! I hope you’ll do a review about the Mayones, it’s not the kind on instrument we see everyday :grin:


Yeah review please :slight_smile:


In time :smile:

I have this pit in my stomach (a bit akin to buyer’s remorse) that I am not adequate yet as a bass player to even remotely do justice to this bass :open_mouth: :sweat_smile: