Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

Thanks, and things are good, great rather. At this point I am taking extra time just to relax and re prioritize, and fortunate to have the state disability and disability insurance which allows me to do it. So yeah, things couldn’t be better atm, and thanks for the concern.

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Well, you already mentioned some of your basses having children, so I’m sure you can decide which one can be the mum of the O bass :wink:

Haha, what a brilliant idea about a backup black O bass. Why didn’t I think of that?! :smiley:


That headstock is so big! Is the bass lopsided because of it?

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Hi @Schmeep,
The head stock is large and the angle on it is very sharp.
I will take a pic and upload.
The bass has round wounds on it, I pulled it from the case checked the tuning and it was spot on.
I don’t think it’s been out of the case for 3 -4 years, so it’s in pretty good shape.
The neck is smooth and the width of the fret board is narrow, similar to fender j bass, and it is nice to play.


Hi @Schmeep,
A couple of photos


thanks. its been impossible to find a case for it so it never sleeps.


You could find it a gig bag… might give it some shuteye.


I may not have even made it a week.
G@D D@#n GAS Ghoul! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I dare anyone of you to not take this deal.
Looks well cared for, meaning, not played and kept in a clean dry place, MM Stingray that is all but being “Given” away.
How do you not??
Come on peeps, give me some defense here. What are good reasons to say no?
I mean even if I didn’t want to keep it, I could easily doubly, ar maybe triple my money just flipping it.

Oh, I sold an amp today BTW. So that’s good news, and I have somebody asking about the other Hartke 8x10 Cab.
So it’s starting to go both ways.

Heck, I am just gonna be a used bass and amp and pedal peddler. Pun intended.:crazy_face:


I have just one question for the defendant, Your Honour.
How did he find out about the Stingray in the first place?

:joy: :laughing: :rofl:


that’s how you get the perfect gear for not so much money :grin: I gess we more or less all do this at some point !


Valid question, let me prepare my evidence for the defense.

I got a notification from Let Go, saying somebody added my Hartke Cab to their favorites, inviting me to check his profile.
logged into Let Go, and the message was there, right under a message saying “here are some new items you may like”. With a thumbnail of the Sting Ray.
I figure, what the heck, it’s probably $1400 or something, let’s take a look.

And let me present the evidence!,

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And now the Culprit commuting the crime.

I rest my case!


One hundred and fifty dollars?

… what exotic dollar currency is that, and how many US dollars go into one of those dollars?

I rest my case, Your Honour.

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It is clear that you were provoked :slight_smile: Under the circumstances you have no other option open to you. @T_dub case dismissed
Enjoy the new member of the family :joy: :rofl: :guitar:


I. Wan, It could be valued at say $250. I think it might be safe to say, that if it is in the excellent condition it appears to be in, it would be valued (sold used thru GC, Pawn, Reverb, etc…) no less then $250.
It is a sterling by Music Man Sting Ray, not a Sterling SUB Ray. So, It May have higher value.

Of course it may not. Idk how to value Stingers, but there are others, with the identical head stock writing going for $1200, $1400 and $2200.

I do not believe this is one, and I would guess starting around $350, maybe as high as $600, but that is based on blind searches for similar “looking” sting rays on said websites.

But for $150. I think @peterhuppertz, you might even agree with that one.


Thank you Judge @Jamietashi, I wi
L do my best to stay out of your court for the next 4 weeks at least.


I think 250 bucks is a severe underestimation.
And I think indeed that 150 is just a provocation…

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I am keeping myself level, and setting myself up for happiness rather then disappointment.

Serenity is inverse proportional to expectations.

I think that of my other basses that were a steal too. The Schecter Stiletto Elite 5 and the ESP LTD B4-E I got for half value or more.

But in the end, it really boils down to this.

True Value / what you paid + how much you like it = how much you would sell it for in fair market.

Actual Value = what somebody will actually Pay for it come time to sell.


That is entirely true.
I was entirely unserene when my expectation was that my B1X Four would be delivered yesterday. When the UPS app suddenly said “delivered”, yet it was not in my possession, any serenity I might have felt, went completely down the drain, and the fact that UPS Customer Service wouldn’t answer the phone for a full 90 minutes didn’t help either.

Turned out it was delivered to the wrong house – number 2 instead of 24.