Show Us Your Basses (Part 2)

Man I hope so, they don’t come with an instruction manual! But certainly happy to nurture a love for music and a desire to make it.


Nice set up! Not sure how it is with your daughter, but with my son, my basses are his and his basses are his… :grinning: :grinning:


Here’s my space. My daughter got into sewing for awhile but has since moved on to crocheting and knitting. We originally set this space up for her in a spare bedroom. The sewing table makes a great guitar workbench. It’s also a great place for a cat to hang out in between naps…

Sorry this is the wrong thread, meant to post on the practice space one…


I’d love to have a dedicated bench space like this.
That’s awesome


Heh, pretty much! :slight_smile: Each of my three daughters has an instrument that was previously mine at some point, and they know that they are more than welcome to come play anything here in my office.


My first bass. American J-bass. It was a nice bass, but it just never WOW’ed me. Got rid of it for my current bass……

Yamaha TRBX305. This thing WOW’ed the pants off me….figuratively speaking of course! For under $500USD… The active circuitry, fit and finish, and most of all, the playability, blew the Fender out of the water.

I used to look down on the Yamaha’s because it was not a name brand like Fender or Gibson. My first acoustic was a Yamaha FGX800C. I thought I would be laughed off the stage at church, since everyone else had Taylors and Martins. While it did not have as full bodied a sound….for an entry-level guitar ~$300USD…. it very much kept up with those $3000 counterparts. I started changing my mind about Yamaha. The bass guitars were exactly the same! Sooo much value and bang for the buck! I have since bought other Yamaha instruments! I’m a Yammie man!


Very nice!

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55 year old, picking it back up (hardly – all i ever did was half-assedly play some songs by ear, or learn them by a guitar player teaching me by rote) after a brief 40 year layoff. Been noodling and just getting familiar with the bass again, and am now starting B2BA and getting serious. Serious enough that i need 2 basses, which gives me a bass for each song that i almost know.
The first is a G&L Tribute JB, i think the color is Turquoise Mist. Pickups swapped.with custom, super-hot for a JBass 14.2/13.2 pickups by 303 electronics, pearl pickguard, and white pickup covers, which most will hate, but think suits the chill color scheme.
The P-Bass is a Squier Classic Vibe 60s. Pickup is a DiMarzio Model P, switched to a black pickguard-- i dont love the Sunburst/Red Tortoiseshell look.




Nice photos!


Traded my Warwick P-Nut AS

For a 5 String Dingwall NG-3

I’ll probably move the 4 string NG-3 on now as they’re too similar to justify keeping both.


I wish I could afford a Warwick p-nut bass.


They do look great together!


Check out the P-nut Artist Series.
It’s a chinese built version with an LX rather than neck through build, but still an excellent instrument.

If you can find one they’re much more affordable than the German P-nuts.


Speaking of nice looking Chinese built instruments, @ejwong and I were out in Ochanomizu today and I ran across a new low-price line from ESP called Kaalena. They are basically their bottom tier now that Grassroots has moved up in the world a bit. Every one I saw were very decent Fender clones, nicer than the lower end Squiers actually, and priced under $300 new. Checked the neck on a very serviceable Telecaster Thinline clone and it felt fine, with nicer fretwork than some Squiers and all Epiphones I have tried.

I’ll post pics later.


Oh cool. I’ll check them out. Thanks!

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Recently upgraded to a Geddy Lee signature Jazz MIM. Purchased because of the super slim neck which helps with my smaller hands. Absolutely love it


I recently received this Spector NS Dimension HP5. I received it Friday of the week before last but wasn’t able to lay hands on it a lot. I had a cornea transplant last Tuesday which had me down for a week. They replaced my lens while in there. I have an argon bubble in my eye keeping the cornea in place until it attaches. Yesterday I got the ok from the doc to look down, so now i can mess with it! I’m hoping the donor of my cornea had better hand coordination than me!


Super interested in what you think of that bass, it’s near the top of the list of ones I think I’m interested in.