That thing is fantastic!
I love that thing so much. Everything about it is awesome.
wait til you here it…everything I wanted in tone
Yeah the Yamaha humbuckers from around then were awesome. My MB has them too and it sounds fantastic.
Amazing instrument. Well, I’m a bit on the budget side, but when I become more professional and in need of a better bass, I’ll consider buying one of these maybe. I didn’t even know about them, thanks for showing!
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So I’ve been teasing on the upgrades channel but today I picked up a 5 string Ibanez GSR205.
It’s a 5 string or as I explained to my wife, “This let’s me play songs in Japanese” (since all the Japanese tunes I love use 5 strings)
Holy crap does this thing howl! It sounds better than the 5 string Sterling Stingray I used to have and it feels 5lbs lighter. The strings are closer together but that comes with a 5 I guess.
I think the gauge on these strings is thicker too. Soo much MEAT!
Anyway, my B day is on the 28th so I’ll just call this an early (and cheap) present.
Now to work on selling a bass or 2. There can be only one @Al1885 and his collection is waaayy better than mine!
Hey happy birthday man. My oldest daughter was born on the same date.
Aww man that’s so awesome! My youngest was born on the day after my b day so it’s just one big crazy party here in March.
Wow nice
Hi all! My first post and my first and (at the moment) only bass. Fender Player Jazz bass. I bought this one year ago when I switched from playing guitar to bass.
I got one problem thought. I mostly love this bass: The neck, the feel, playability etc. BUT! I kinda hate the colour! Every time I pick up this bass I think about black limited edition Fender J-bass which was my other option. I tested both and after a short consideration something made me choose this candy apple red one.
Please help me like this bass!
Simples, red ROCKS!!
Maybe wear blue-tinted sunglasses?
Have you considered changing the pick guard?
There are plenty of options available for a Fender Jazz Bass.
how did i miss this, that is pretty.
Black basses are cool and all but you better bring an extra polishing cloth or 2.
I was thinking the same. I like the red but I think I’d personally like it more with a black pick guard.