I got part way through module 13 of B2B, which covers slapping and popping, and just breezed through the remainder of the module without really paying much attention. Yeah, I tried it and managed to get those slap and pop sounds okay, but I really don’t care for it to be honest. I’m not even all that crazy about listening to music that has that style of bass in it. Am I doomed to mediocrity as a bass player because I don’t care to slap and pop?
Not at all. It’s another tool in the tool box. There are plenty of bass players that don’t do any slap. On a personal note, I wouldn’t recommend ruling it out completely. Particularly the idea of using it in moderation. You never know what might add that something special to something you create.
I’m not a big fan of slap/pop either, but I agree with @eric.kiser : I find that any playing technique is good to know, even if rarely (or almost never) used. For this reasons I won’t spend much time learning to be a slap master but I don’t want to completely ignore this technique, it could be useful from time to time.
I love it and am trying to get better (but am still very bad.)
Definitely not ruling it out, but I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time and energy trying to perfect it. If and when the time comes where I need it, I’ll go with what I have.
I think in one of the upcoming modules Josh teaches playing with a pick. I’ll definitely work hard on perfecting that technique.
yeah !
Oh yeah pick is vital.
I’ll just leave this here. 5:20 on.
Who needs a guitarist anyway?
LOL exactly. She sells a t-shirt on her web store that says almost exactly that - “NO GUITAR MORE BASS”
Same here, except I just couldn’t get it down, and completed the module using the standard fingering technique. I agree with @eric.kiser’s and @terb’s assessment that the “slap” technique is good to know, and should be part of a well-rounded bass player’s arsenal.
That being said, I’m not as interested in it because of my preferred genre (classic 70’s rock) but I do have to admit that it does sound pretty cool, @howard . . .
My sentiments exactly, @PamPurrs . . . I used to use a pick all the time, but now I’m much better using my fingers. Josh does not cover the pick in anywhere near the detail he goes into for the slap technique, so it’s all a matter of personal taste and musical preference.
Wishing you continued success and hope your back feels better!
Cheers, Joe
Ditto that @Jazzbass19… It’s 60’s and 70’s classic rock for me too! Cool to watch those much younger than I do the slap and pop and all,… but there are definitely some things in life at my age that I just don’t want my grandkids recording on their damn cell phones and sharing with the rest of the world…
She’s great, but she’s also young enough to be my grand-daughter. No thanks, if I ever get a chance to play on stage, I’ll be content with being that person standing in the back that nobody notices.
@PamPurrs Absolutley! I would be happy to be the person that everyone forgets is even in the band.
At (some of) our age, popping that isn’t a knee/hip/shoulder should be embraced.
+1 to all this @PamPurrs! But as usual, do whatever you want, you rebel.
I will admit to struggling with the technique, but I love it. I find myself driving, thumb slapping and index popping the steering wheel in time with the indicator. I would happily take an entire course in slap, and when I’m finished the course (end of mod 14 atm), I plan to run through the workouts again from the start and try and slap the lot of them…
Me too! I actually went seeking out slap technique lessons online
Josh’s and Mark Smith’s (talkingbass.net) are the best I have found.
I practice a bit a day but am still pretty horrible. Mostly I play normal basslines but with slapping. I’m putting off doing much popping for now to focus on just getting slapping consistent and accurate.
Also this Vintage Josh is great:
I’ve taken (and still taking) quite a few of Mark Smith’s courses, and they are great. Mark is right up there with Josh in terms of great teaching, albeit a different style. I’ve seen that Slap Bass course on the site and I’m sure it’s quite good… if slap bass is your cuppa java.
As a side note, I think @JoshFossgreen does an excellent job of explaining slap bass and I don’t think I’d need to go anywhere else for additional training, even if I was interested in it.