So what do you do for a living?

Orginally, I studied Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, specialized in Human Computer Interaction, AI and mainly neural networks.

This was end of the 80s / beginning of the 90s, which meant: nobody knew how to program neural networks, so I learned programming the d#mn things.

As I found all of that boring after some time (stupid me - I could have been rich by now!), I became a multimedia developer first, then went into gaming and ended up in interactive television - as product manager/owner. Those were the Rock’n Roll times!

We did quite some cool stuff in then, for example interactive movies and VOD long before Netflix. Unfortunately we were waaaaaaaaaaaay too early, so after not getting rich with AI I did not get rich with VOD :slight_smile:

Until recently I was a product manager for onboard multi screen streaming stuff, which I did for several years for the cruise ship business.
Here I could play with my passion for travelling, gamification, UI/UX, AI and technology, so that’s cool.

Now I am taking a sabbatical, thinking about what to do next - dividing my time between biking, kayaking, working on on-the-edge streamin/iTV concepts and … giving my bass some love!

Next: not getting rich with before-our-time stuff, but very rich in experience :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Gemologist/jeweller appraiser. I pretty much tell you what quality your diamond/stone is and what its worth.

Always interesting when a female gets her engagement ring appraised and finds out its a cz.


Is that bad?


When she was told it was real, yes


Had to look it up:


Morning all,

I’m 53 and lucky (or unlucky) enough to have retired a few years ago.
joined British military in 1987 left 2000, went on to do diplomatic security until 2003 when the Iraq PMC thing started and stayed working out there until 2010. Left there and went on to work in afgan , Libya,Africa etc.

Essentially spent my life driving fast and shooting pew pews :grin:


@ros0754 - if you really want to drive fast, let Scotland join the EU again and come to Germany. We have no speed limit and I recently broke my own record at 250km/h, which was quite exciting!

Contintental europeans love the Scottish more than the English do, so you are very welcome :slight_smile:


I don’t think the vast majority of us English folks have any problem the Scots, in fact an awful lot of us, me included, have a Scottish heritage….

BTW, perhaps the most frightened I’ve ever been was in a car being driven at (I think) 230kph down an autobahn!


Didn’t want to give the impression that the English don’t love the Scots. Everybody loves the Scots!

But us continental Europeans love them so much, that we want them back in the EU right away, no questions asked ^^

The English can come back if they a) drive on the right side of the road b) accept the Euro and c) implement the metric system :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

PS Going fast is just like driving slow a little faster. You get used to it!

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Started at 18 in the US Navy as a Cryptologic Technician mostly working in IT. First duty station was a ship out of Pearl Harbor HI. From there I moved to Naples Italy to work on a 4 star Admiral’s staff (really cool job traveling around Europe in my early 20’s). San Diego CA after that working at an Intel training center, then Fayetteville NC working at a joint service command. I got to see the beautiful sights in Afghanistan and shoot at things. I got out after that and I’ve been doing IT for a couple of different agencies with the Department of the Interior since then.


Cool, we’ve eaten in some of the same mess halls. I was a reservist in a SOCOM MOS (37F) so I went to Bragg for AIT.


Faydout, what ship in Pearl?


The USS Crommelin (FFG-37). Decommed and used as target practice during RIMPAC in 2012. She did us proud, it took 12 hours for them to sink her.


What does a Cryptologic Technician do?


A lot of stuff that I’ll never be able to talk about. Keeping it really general, stuff like signal collection and analysis, computer network attack / defense, there’s a whole branch that are linguists.


Tell me more…. What agency?? Where??

I was also in the Navy but back in 1971 - 1977…. Did my time on Diesel Subs in the South China Sea off the coast of Nam…


Secret squirrel stuff


I retired from the DOI in 2012. My wife retired from DOI in 2019….


I was with USGS in Denver for 5 years and I’ve been with a small agency that’s responsible for regulating and auditing Oil and Gas companies to make sure they’re paying the royalties that they’re supposed to on federal and tribal lands for a decade now.

@Gloucestre Exactly.


I was on the Chosin during pre-com and when we brought her to PaPa Hotel. Good times!

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