Sometimes, humans suck!

I still have 2 videos on my phone of our old Staffie Bull rescued at 12 that I can’t watch some 2 years after her passing from cancer.
Don’t know if I ever will get over her death. We only had her for 18 months but we had an instant connection. She was perfect in every way and should have been a part of my life for a lot longer.
We have a beautiful new girl in our lives now. And she’s a real character but I still miss the old girl terribly


It’s gonna be real hard for me when our dog passes away. She’s the sweetest little dog and loves us to death; she’s loved having me around 24/7 the last couple years. Both my wife and I have really bonded with her and while I have bonded with all my dogs, she’s definitely something special.

She just turned 12 so hopefully a few years left.


We have a Bernese Mountain Dog. They have a 7-9 (if you are lucky) life expectancy. She turned 4 this year and I’m already upset she’s basically on the back nine. Dogs are just the dang best humans.


Yep. Humans can be terrible things.
I’m more of a cat person myself.
My mother once went to the vet to get some medication for one of her cats, and she came home with a stray that someone brought it. She offered to take care of the cat while they tried to find her people. So it turned out the cat was a bit crazy. Like a wild animal. I suspect the people treated her like crap and then couldn’t deal with her aggression, so they just abandoned her somewhere.
Eventually she calmed down and became a lovely little thing. Still a bit crazy, though. It was a sad day when she died 15 years later.


Took Ruby to the vet. Worms are gone. They are doing a biopsy on her little titty that has a hard lump under it. I’ll know what it is in a couple of days. They think she has been a puppy mill dog that was used up and discarded. They explained the callouses on her little hiney are cause from being in a crate for quite a long time. Her teeth are gone (except for the canines) but she has no gum problems they could find. Estimate on age is 7-8 years old. She has settled in nicely and is very vocal when it comes to food or treats. She doesn’t bark but will sit and make “harumph” noises in front of us to give her a treat. She actually is housebroken and has only had one or two small accidents while getting used to our house and us getting use to her signals to go out. She farts so bad it will peel the paint off the walls and makes the humidity in the room go way up. I have never smelled anything quite like it…grim death and rot. Vet said that was normal for the breed. You could literally swat mucous out of the air with a tennis racket when she lights one off. He did say her tummy may be sensitive to certain foods. Otherwise, she is a happy go lucky, slightly clingy little turd and we love her to death.


What you’re doing for her is especially nice , @EddieJones . . . :+1:

Literally saving her life and making each day better than the one before it. :clap:



I can relate big time with my head hurts being with humans. I rather sit in my music room and play my Bass and have my boy helping me.


Thank you guys and gals for giving those animals a loving home! You can truly judge the character of people by how they treat animals.