After finishing the B2B course and feeling lost for a few months bouncing between all sorts of different exercises, I have decided to actually go through this 50 songs challenge. I was sort of just half-learning songs and feeling too nervous to record myself so hopefully committing to this will give me that “evidence” of improvement that Josh talks about and will get me comfortable with playing full songs/recording. 1 down, 49 to go baby.
I’m stuck between finishing the course or resuming the challenge! I think I’ll try to finish the course first! Seems like it worked super well for you.
Did you set the BPM after inserting the track? Reaper defaults to 120 BPM when you start a new project. If you inserted the track when it was set to 120, changing to something less afterwards will slow down the playback.
In most DAWs, if you do not set the DAW BPM correctly for the song at the start, then when you change it later (so the measures will line up correctly) it will timestretch all the tracks by default.
You can change this behaviour in most daws per-track for it to be absolute vs synced to the project BPM.
This is one reason why I stress to people that the most important thing to do when making a new DAW project is to set the BPM correctly, because otherwise it is kind of a PITA when you change it later.
Thats an ESP LTD F series bass? Dayum! I had an F Series guitar way back when … they are pretty hot lookin… when it comes to funky shapes… I love the F-Series