Song: Come as You Are
Artist: Nirvana
Tuning: -1 Whole (DGCF)
Here’s my attempt. I usually upload the first take of my covers with mistakes and everything included, but I had to do multiple takes on this one, because I kept completely screwing it up for no apparent reason. It’s very repetitive, and after the millionth time playing the same two bars over and over again, at some point my fingers always slipped up. (Probably some form of semantic satiation). On this take I only screwed up the last two bars, and that was good enough for me at that point.
Other than that, I also need to work more on the articulation. I wanted to make it sound more legato, but couldn’t really pull it off. I’m going to add this song to my practice routine and see if I can improve things.
Sounding really good @akos ~!
Hey you’re building up a pretty sweet portfolio of covers here
I recorded this a while back and posted it on the covers thread, but posting it here as well since this is really where it belongs. Nice that the entire song list was opened for posting.
Happy Halloween,
Here’s my take on Nirvana’s Come as You Are. Not perfect but old man tried his best. Had some blunders during song. Just trying to improve and moving right along…
This was recorded standard EADG tuning. My mistake I did do a redo . But leaving video up. We’re all human.
Good job @BigAl! I like the t-shirt!
I was driving today thinking we hadn’t seen a @BigAl cover in a while.
Great job on the plucking and fretting, really clean @BigAl
One thing it sounds like you missed was the DGCF tuning on the top of the tab, so that puts you a whole step up throughout.
Missed that. I do have bad hearing, did sound off. Thanks for pointing that @John_E out. Been so busy I just sat down and played it. If I have time will try to redo it.
Nice one @BigAl - tuning aside, it was a cracker . That bass has a nice tone too!
Nice to see you plugging away at the challenge. I’m still in it, but I’ve been distracted with another song and I may have bitten off more than I can chew
I wonder if any of the tech savy bass buzzers could just pitch shift your song down on their DAW to fix the tuning thing?
Anyway good to see you still at it.
Same here. I’ve got 15 things I want to do. Where the hell does the tome go.
Like to thank @John_E again. Just finish giving candy. Yeah, I’ve been busy with other tunes too and just join Aris live practice group. But still plugging away these songs too. After returning wow sounded lot better so made another quick recording, not perfect on 1st take but sound so much better. Thanks for your good ears there @John_E .
[Take 2] Come as You Are DGCF tuning. Leaving other video up so people now we all make mistakes and only we gett better is by fixing them and playing them again.
Like to thank, @Bassdacious @Barney @RuknRole @John_E for all the kind words. Happy Halloween
you guys Rock 🪨
Sounds great @BigAl !!
And still really in the groove. You made easy work of all these fast repetitive riffs. Not easy.
I haven’t been able to get this one yet.
Had a go with pick as well, hope I don’t get disqualified
Great job and excellent picking!
Bass was a bit high in the mix but that’s ok. Super boomy tone. Well done @akos !
Pretty sure the original was played with a pick.
Yep, and at knee height. But I’m not cool enough for that yet.
I can’t play anything that repetitive without getting lost because I start thinking about other things or falling asleep
Here’s mine.
All treble (Bridge Pickup) with VT Bass DI in SVT mode.
A little mistake at the very end (I corrected the audio) but was not redoing the whole song for a blip 3 bars from the end. Haha