You can also practice pairing it with the pinky, gives strenght to fretting with the pinky (which apparently you don’t need, lol) and is a valid technique as well.
Sounded great to me man!
Keep 'em coming!
You can also practice pairing it with the pinky, gives strenght to fretting with the pinky (which apparently you don’t need, lol) and is a valid technique as well.
Sounded great to me man!
Keep 'em coming!
Good evening from Norway:-)
Here is my Bad Moon Rising. CCR Bad Moon Rising bass cover Bassbuzz 50 song challenge - YouTube
Sounded great @Johnnyb, nice job on those walkups and cool video effects too!
Excellent cover man! Thanks for sharing.
Well done!
Great job @Johnnyb !
I feel a bad moon rising!
Great fun this one. I will return as Gnarls Barkley in Crazy
Nicely done Ed!
Well played! Looking forward to the next one!
Man this sounded GREAT @Ed
#50 is one more closer!!!
Hey thanks @John_E !
It was a lot easier than Pink Floyd -maybe because I liked it more
Nothing bad about this track, I like the vocals coming in as a cue for the bass, sorta. Or the bass supporting the vocals.
I split the tracks in Moises, didn’t overdub and tried to play by heart. I had to re-record this a bunch to get the thumpy feel closer to what some of you guys and gals have done here - so thank you for the discussion of that in the thread and thus the pointers. I played quarter notes first, letting them ring and then saw the tips to play eights, or dotted quarter notes.
Bad Moon Rising 2023 11 19 18 53 18
Next up I see a lot of I-IV-V coming at me,
PS: Enjoy your weekend!
Nice work @antonio
My only observation is a mixing one. The final mix is a very low volume. I had to turn up my Imac volume to 80% to hear you whereas I normally listen at 20%.
So maybe have a listen next time to the overall volume of a music video on YouTube and see if your final mix is about the same. I just went back and clicked on a previous track i was listening to and it’s insanely loud at 80%.
Sounded great @antonio !!
Agree a bit low overall volume but great playing!
Great work Antonio! I could see you were feeling the groove.
Solid playing Antonio! You were in the groove!
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
Some time back I got speakers and the manual said to put Windows and the speaker knob at 75% each, so that’s what I’ve been using. It’s not insanely loud, so I wonder what’s up.
My brother told me to check in the software for LUFS or an overall dB rating, so that’s what I’ll do next time.
I use GarageBand for my DAW.
The output for each track shows the Db figure. So I normally set the backing track at 0Db and slightly boost the separate bass track.
Regardless of what you use. I’d listen to a YouTube video on headphones that’s a reasonable level to listen to. Then roughly match the same volume when you’re working in your DAW. That way your video is the same level as other videos. Anything to make people want to listen and not introduce friction is a good thing.
Great job on getting started recording yourself. It’s really cool to look back years later and see the progress.
Nice cover @myheadsmt91 ! Well done.