Song 2 - "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Nice playing overall @myheadsmt91

My only comment is you are rushing the beat quite a bit (plucking quite ahead of where the notes should be). This is normal and will come with time. Just be mindful of it as you go forward.

Else wise well done!!!

Nice bass too. What kind is it?

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I’ll try to be mindful of the rushing going forward, half the battle is knowing.

The Bass is a '85 Ibanez RB960 Roadstar II


Sounding good @myheadsmt91

Nice, keep at it!

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Not my most motivated cover attempt, but here goes anyway :

I think I slightly hit the headstock just before playing and seems detune on the D, but I only realised it while I was finishing editing. Sorry for that. I will leave it at that (for now).


Very well done @mediaklan !

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Thank you JerryP

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I can’t get the sound to play on my phone.

That’s probably normal. I’ve lost the notes I’d taken regarding the codecs that were working best for any devices when encoding (e.g : iOS - but not limited to it - doesn’t seem to like some of the default opensource version of demux/codecs/tools I use in Linux for audio/video).

So I need to research it all over again - -’
Still, if it’s just the sound, this makes it easier at least. Thank you for the heads up John_E.

Can you please tell me if you have the same issue with this cover ?

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And finally, can you please try this version ?
I think this one should work.


Same issue on this one.

That worked!!!

Nice playing @mediaklan
Kept a very tight groove, bouncy and just what is needed.
Great job!!!


Thank you John_E ! And … thank you again for your help debugging the audio issue.
It would seem that :

  • libmp3lame is lame (what was I expecting with this kind of name, really ?)
  • while aac is the ace

Now I should remember ^^’


Here’s my take on Bad Moon Rising:

Honestly, I’m kinda glad to be done with this one. It’s odd, I’ve always liked listening to this song.

I’ve found that if I’m reading along as I play, I can pick it up pretty quickly, but trying to play it from memory takes me a bit longer depending on the song. I imagine that’s to be expected, but hoping I can improve my memorization speed.


Great job fennario!

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Really nice work, man. Very authentic, laid-back legato attack, just like in the original tune. :+1:


Thanks @JerryP @MikeC !

It would probably be good for me to revisit this one from time to time. The quarter note rhythms are far more challenging for me to keep in time than, say, chugging a bunch of eighths.

Note length and playing legato is something I’ve been trying to pay close attention to - glad it seems to be working!


Nice one @fennario !
It’s a good exercise in note control and timing


Hi folks

This is recording attempt 12. From the first sighting of the sheet music to the recording was over 100 song sessions, and I still made mistakes in 10 attempts to record :frowning: . My 5th attempt was acceptable but my phone reached a maximum 10 minute video duration and stopped recording 20 seconds before the end of the song :cry: . The end of the video is the sigh of relief :relieved: .

Credence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

My fourth video.

I used the website (5 free songs per month) to remove the bass and provide a click count-in.

I am happy to receive feedback.

Bass (acoustic) : Ibanez PCBE12MH
DAI (hardware) : Behringer M2
DAW (software) : Reaper
Video camera : Nokia C02
Video quality : 1080p
Laptop : Win 10 , Dell E5470 , RAM 8GB
Laptop : Dual core i5-6300U 2.4Ghz
BassBuzz student : 2 years


Hey great job with this @EverC !

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Nice work @EverC ! Well done.

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Just great!
Not much to say other than that!