Song 5 - "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC

One of my least favorite AC/DC songs, but an easy one to play!


Another great sounding cover @ant!

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Hereā€™s my submission. A few mistakes here and there, but time to send it.

IG: Instagram


Audio only, I look so dang bored playing this one in videoā€¦ so, Iā€™m not bothering :grinning:

I used RipX to separate out the vocal, drum, guitar and bass stems and plopped them into Reaper. Recorded bass through Zoom B1 Four (Ampeg pre-set) through NUX MPP-3 (no effects/amp/ir sims) directly into Reaper. Muted the original bass and rendered it to MP3.

Hereā€™s the final result: 50 Song Challenge - Song 5 - ACDC - Highway to Hell (Cover).mp3 - Google Drive

A couple minor flubs, but I can live with it.


First offā€¦ Vimeo is crap. Now that we have that out of the way, itā€™s time to ride the highway! The Highway to Hell!

I recorded about 7 takes with my Squier P bass and got a good one but when listening back I kept hearing the G and the F# on the D string coming out sharp. I checked the bass and sure enough itā€™s in tune when the string is open but sharp when fretted at the 5th fret. It seems I have some setup work to do there!

I switched to the trusty Jino Bass and then forgot to take notes on my settingsā€¦ So forgive me on that one! I think we went with the H isolation again but Iā€™m not sure.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the cover!


As tern mentioned in the other thread, and worth repeating for others here, the original sound is slightly out of tune by about a 1/4 step. I think we also discussed this above a bit. It happens from time to time.

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It would be good to add a note on the sheet music, I wonder if @JoshFossgreen can make that happen?

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Added, thanks!

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Excellent! Thanks for the fast response Josh!

Hello:-) Here is my take on this, was a bit more to remeber to get all the small changes right. Youtube didnā€™t work so I had to register with Vimeo, hope it works. Please give me feedback on what I do right or wrong. :slight_smile:


Great job here @Johnnyb

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I know I can do better than this take, but I was ready to be done with this song.
Here is my entry and moving on to the next oneā€¦
AC/DC - Highway to Hell


You are a bit ahead of the beat, but otherwise played fine.
Try to lay back a bit and find where the bass groove belongs.
Rushing sometimes comes from nerves, but you will lock in as you go and then will never think of it again.