Song 8 - "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" by Hank Williams

I know you are trying to help and didn’t realize this, but the reason we haven’t put the PDFs in the start of each thread is because they are only supposed to be viewable to those on the course. You can’t access the Noteflight section of the site unless you have paid for the course, but anyone can access the forum. This is why we used Discord/Drive as it is less in your face. Similar reason we only put the backing tracks on Discord/Drive as they are copyrighted songs that we don’t have the right to distribute. Personally, I’d love it if we could put the PDFs and backing tracks on the threads for everyone to see and use regardless if they are taking the B2B course or not. I suspect 90% of the active people on this forum are taking the course anyway. I think for this sort of exercise the more the merrier. It would also make it easier to have everything in one place. It would be great to get @JoshFossgreen 's take on this. If he’s cool with it, I’m happy to do it. In the meantime, I’d leave your tab in your post until we get direction from Josh. I don’t think we need to hit a panic button or anything. Just be good to know how he wants to play this going forward. I also don’t know if it is possible as an alternative option to restrict this section of the forum to course purchasers only, or if that would be a good idea or not. I can see it being good pre-sales for people to see things like this exist.

Even if Josh wants to keep them relatively tucked away, then I’d take you up on your offer to do the others and we could put them in the Discord/Drive folder where the others are if @gcancella gives me editing rights or is happy to put them on there.


Well done on this @BigAl @Barney and @John_E . It’s good to see everyone enjoying what seems to be the easiest song of the challenge so far. :slight_smile:

House of the Rising Sun was harder than I anticipated, so I’m giving that an extra week or so for me to do. I’m sure I can fit this one in relatively quickly after that.

Nice job John @John_E ,
The Gretsch fits really well with the song, nice tone and great mix,
And I forgot to mention the fine pick work😎
Cheers Brian

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For the non-course thing, if you announce where all the info is on discord how are you keeping them out? Seems to me all they have to do is read and click.

All I was suggesting above is to make the materials all organized and easy to get to to keep people motivated to continue the challenge. If I’ve got to figure out where to find the track (or pay for the track even), for figure out how not to pay for the track, split out the bass, find a tab outside of the Noteflight box (I often use my iPad with page turner on covers which needs a pdf) etc I may be apt to skip the song if I’m not really into playing it. Others may do the same.


Completely agree with you. I’d love to have it how you suggest. Josh was comfortable with having the extra step to get the info as opposed to having it on the official forum. Happy to do whatever @JoshFossgreen is cool with.


I posted the info in the folder for this song. I did my best to follow the lead set by @gcancella - any questions or problems, let me know.


Hey @JT , thanks for the check in. For the sake of not giving away the course goods too easily, and to avoid copyright issues (of which there can be many), I think y’all should keep doing things how you have been - keep all the sneaky links a little more behind the scenes.

Normally I like to make things as frictionless as possible! But we have some limitations here that are outside my control, so trying to find a sweet spot where people can collaborate on resources for the challenge, but not create any bigger issues.

FWIW - I wish I could offer downloadable/PDF versions of the charts in the 50 Songs Pack! Not currently officially possible with the way the songs are licensed through Noteflight though.


Here’s my recording of the song. Took about 30 minutes to record it and almost fell asleep playing it, but it was nice to have a simpler song to play. Also, it gave me time to work on audio/video syncing which I researched. I think this one should be closer on that front though I think it’s slightly off still, but at least that’s consistent through the entirety. I could have fixed it, but I’m swamped right now so just wanted to get this done.

BTW, the trick I learned is to merge the audio with the video without any cropping, then export the video, reimport the combined video and crop it, then re-export. Before I was having issues with the front and back of the song being different syncs, but I think this was because of cropping before combining. Anyway, this way works better for me now so doing this going forward.

Just recorded straight in without any effects or anything. Tone knob turned all the way down. Both pickups on max. I didn’t realize my right hand was off-screen, but didn’t want to re-record just for that.

I put on my best lonesome face…


Sounding and looking good @JT
I’ve found the same issue when cropping video off my phone then importing into Resolve so now I just do it in resolve.


Sounds good @JT

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You guys are moe better and dedicated than me. I just can’t do this song.
:sleeping: Zzzzzzz


The only good thing about that song, it makes me think of the movie Zombieland. After hearing @JT play it, I popped my DVD of Zombieland into the player and watched it again. It’s the only way I could rinse that dreadfully boring song out of my head.


Great movie! They came out with Zombieland 2, but the 1st one is much better in my opinion.


No offense @JT you played it quite well…


None taken. I found it very boring to listen to and play. However, since I didn’t have to invest much time into it, it wasn’t too bad. :slight_smile:

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You guys made me feel guilty for skipping this one, so I got it out of the way here real quick while waiting for Domino’s.

I switched it up a bit and played it with 3 quarter notes instead of the doted half notes.


Atta boy @RuknRole good job! Ps clown, you’re lonesome cause you are a clown


Great job. I never think to mix things up. Your version inspired me to look for covers and I found this one. This is NOT me playing. Just an example of a different version of this song. Make sure you get past the intro when listening.

I might to my own version of some songs in the future…




Nice and short, certainly not music I’d normally listen to… just one shot and exited about My Girl, that looks fun