Great job here @Reo
Giddy up!
Good job on this as well. I find these slower songs harder as you can really hear each note in its entirety. Also, how you record, the bass is very loud compared to the backing track, which makes everything stand out even more. Looking forward to you playing My Girl!
Yep my bass is too loud, as you can understand I didn’t feel like re-recording…. my recording “system” is very rudimentary (just my phone, and the track plays from a built in speaker on the PC monitor ) I’ve been tempted to go GASing and get proper equipment, but learning all that would take time from practicing and learning bass…
Nice job @Reo. I noticed a couple of timing issues (mostly on the runs), but nothing that wouldn’t be worked out with a few more play-throughs… And I think your recording is fine - yes the bass is louder, but it’s just a factor of your recording set-up. Nothing to worry about… Good job!
Nice job @Reo ,
the bass was loud in the mix, but that’s what we are here for and what you are selling to your audience, “US” your BASS playing.
couple tiny timing things but pretty good, actually i had a call from the bands manager, the gig is yours if you want it ,
keep up the good work,
Cheers Brian
To everyone who has performed this song, I commend you for your effort. there are no bad performances. The only way to do a bad performance is to not do it at all.
Sorry I don’t comment on each one individually, but just know you have my full support for your efforts.
bit of cut and paste going here Pam @PamPurrs
Cheers Brian
I’m shameless
A little good night song and another one off my list. I now realise that you can’t see the fantastic finger roll I do. Ah well… Biggest challenge was to not fall asleep and not get a cramp in my index finger.
Glad you stayed awake for this one @Regina, you did a great job!
Have a nice rest…
Nice job @Regina ,
I was nearly falling asleep as well, but I hung tough and saw it through:woozy_face:great tone and fret board work.
Cheers Brian
Greetings all. Here is my cover of So Lonesome I Could Cry. Not the hardest song, or something I ever would have learned if I wasn’t working through this list, but I feel it helped me with a couple things
- Slow Tempo Practice: I’m always trying to get faster, but sometimes keeping the groove at a slow tempo can be trickier. There is a lot a space between those notes.
- Softer Attack Practice: I’m a major offender of playing bass like a guitar, and overall plucking too aggressively(@Lanny taking your advice to heart here ) You just can’t do that in a song like this.
- Time to focus on Video Sync/Quality: I learned a lot from @PamPurrs and @John_E “How to Record Yourself Part 2” Things like audio alignment to simple things like taping the floor so I know where to stand really helped. Really great stuff, thank you both for taking the time to make this.
Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and can stay awake through it. As always all feedback and comments are welcome, take care all
Wow @dlamson13 !!
Perfection. !!
Great tone too
Great mix. Great sync.
You do look like you really want to play somethjng, anything faster. Hahaha. Slower is tougher for sure some times.
Well done. !!
Thanks a lot @John_E ! Its’ been great learning some new tech tricks to go along with all this bass stuff.
So true, If I was in a band that played this stuff all the time, I’d probably need to be as sedated as old Hank.
I find your lack of knowledge of small to medium sized American songbirds disturbing😁
Nice and easy. My second song adequately performed, 7 months into my bass life
I really like the tranquil transition of E , F# , G# , A
OK! I whipped this one out in record time. I too like the walk up!
I have 2 versions. One on the Yamaha, one on my Oscar Schmidt uke bass. I like the sound of the Uke on this one - Edit, Wow, they sound so similar on the 'tubes!.
Yamaha TRBX 304
Oscar Schmidt Comfort Series Uke Bass
Tell me which you like best!
Nice job, way to keep after the challenge @groaner, and two versions this time! There’s a bit of a tuning issue on the version with the Yamaha (may just be the D-String?) that I don’t hear on the U-Bass. In any case, the timing was good, you got to practice your waltz moves, and love the sound of the U-Bass. I honestly never thought I’d like them, but every time I hear a cover with one I think they sound fantastic. Keep em coming, looks like your having fun
Thanks! Both were direct into the Scarlett Solo, no mods. I was surprised, at lesat to my ear, I couldn’t tell the difference.
I think I hear what you mean on the D string. I’ll have to do some calibration of my Snark vs the tuner on my B1Four.
I’m guessing you tuned the Uke with the Snark (clip on) and Yamaha with the B1Four? My B1 has been really accurate, I have a Polytune in series with it because I hate how the B1 doesn’t mute me when I tune. It makes for easy comparison though, and B1 and Poly pretty much always agree. My clip on Snark that I use on my acoustic on the other hand is much less reliable. Guess what I’m saying is I wouldn’t suspect the B1Four, maybe something drifted after you tuned, or maybe I’m just trippin