Song lyrics have become simpler and more repetitive over the last five decades

Check out Squid, especially their first album.

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Will do! Thanks!!!

For the most part, I don’t care much for lyrics anyway. Not what drives my interest.

That being said, two artists who have piqued my interest with lyrics are Paul Simon and Nanci Griffith. I love how Paul can tell a story in very plain language, and how Nanci captures pictures from life.

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How new is new? I’ll find some metal to evangelize with to help you make good use of that b string.


(to you :rofl: )

None of those styles are dead and in fact all are vibrant right now, but what you’re saying is - you want to change your own interests. That’s fine, but it also doesn’t imply there’s nothing interesting going on in the other genres. For example, sure, Synthwave sounds like '80s music, but it’s taking it in new directions.

There’s even Neoclassical:

But even all that aside, there have been plenty of new genres in the 2000s-2020s. EDM, dubstep, etc - the problem is more that you didn’t like them than that they aren’t happening :rofl:


I get a new b string tomorrow! But I don t see fresh innovation in metal too.

Sorry, it’s all repetition. Warming up old soup. That doesn’t mean it can’t be nice! It just means humanity ran out of ideas, and every sub culture is an old one in disguise.
We have entered a sampling and quoting age…

@howard - edm? Really??! And have you ever been to a dubstep party? I had the feeling that they played three tracks over and over and over and over again. And then once more :slight_smile:

See my previous comment, you just completely validated it :rofl:

The new genres are happening, they just don’t tickle your '80s-'90s brain.

I totally get it (I’m 55 and was deeply in to electroindustrial, EBM, and post-punk while they were still new). But it’s simply fallacious to say the kids today aren’t doing new things.


I hope you’re right. A youth without their own subculture will need to turn to consumerism and empty and hollow life styles…
And of course this is not what happening, right? It would be a world of TikTok and Instagram influencers :slight_smile:

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I mean some of the EDM stuff has led to some really interesting tangents.

I totally love this; Deadmau5 took a bunch of his EDM classics and commissioned an orchestra to record a mixed orchestral/synth version of them:

Click through to Youtube to get the full list.

Original version of the linked song from the list:

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Will listen to it tomorrow.
I have several DeadMau5 albums, cause I liked one track. Big mistake!

This discussion reminds me of this wonderful Henry Rollins clip. Only that I feel like this about most “new” stuff…

Especially for you they made it into an electronic version :slight_smile:

Rollins is awesome and I agree with his take on many things, but… not all things :slight_smile:

Also makes me wonder what Black Flag is doing these days. Yes, they are still around. Probably not exactly innovating (especially after losing Rollins).

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I saw Rollins a few years ago on a festival. Half naked, warrior stance, very powerful.

The crowd was waiting for the next act, Ramstein. The New kids on the block of whatever the f#ck their music is supposed to be. Nobody knew Rollins and what he stands for (read his tour diary from the 80s!!!).

Rollins got more and more furious. I felt deeply ashamed being in that crowd. Could feel his disappointment and rage.
This was the last concert I went to - I honor Rollins by my absence…

Outside of a very few bucket item acts (like going to see Peter Hook in September), I don’t much care for going to see “legacy acts” as much now. I remember seeing Rollins 30 years ago. I saw Radiohead 30 years ago, Nirvana, RAtM, NIN. They’e all gotten old and safe. I’m way more interested in hearing what the kids are doing. There’s some great stuff out there. It just takes effort, not as much effort as going to some of the local record shops to find where the underground raves and punk shows were going to be, but some effort. I’m really, really excited for the Idles show coming up in May. I haven’t been in a proper mosh pit since I went to see the Misfits 8 years ago, when Danzig did some shows with them.


I would walk 500 miles for that. Just point me in the right direction!

We have been, you’re just disagreeing that it’s new or interesting :rofl:

Seriously, check out the labels I mentioned above. Pelagic, Sargent House, Deathwish, etc. These will be guitar focused but there will be some synth. I really like bands like pg.lost, for example.


Pretty sure, for example, that Blackgaze is an entirely new sound from the 2000s-2010s. Blend of post-hardcore, shoegaze, and blackmetal.

I absolutely love the album that song is from.


Neue Deutsche Härte

I have very mixed feelings about Rammstein, but they don’t sound like anyone who came before them.


They actually do really interesting stuff- I legit love their Depeche Mode covers.

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It’s less music stuff and more behavior around groupies.

Everything about the on stage act that got them arrested in the US is hilarious though. I’ll leave that vague because it’s sexually explicit but it’s on their Wikipedia page/easily searched.


ok that’s hilarious and frankly pretty tame compared to some acts.

Youtube up “Lords of Acid” “I Sit On Acid” for an example from my generation :rofl:

Nothing like having actual strippers for your dancers.

here is a pretty representative one (expect some glorious vulgarity and explicit content):

Pragha Khan is a weird dude. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Also interesting metacomment on ‘90s lyrical “complexity” :rofl: