Song lyrics have become simpler and more repetitive over the last five decades


Yeah, I guess they caught a moral panic wave when they were doing that tour?


Or just the Bible Belt.

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But doesn’t that contradict with:


Love Lords of Acid, and especially Pragha Khan (and his wife!).

If you remove the 33/45-like rolling R, they will sound much more conventional to you :slight_smile:

Not in the slightest. All innovation builds on what came before it. Without techno, and then trance, there would have been no Goa, for.example.


Interesting thought, also otherwise.

That means: every revolution is in the end just a fancy evolution!

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If you’re exceptionally lucky :slight_smile:

“Meet the new boss
 same as the old boss”

I can not argue against this, cause “Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes” - in science.
Also, I just woke up from a late/short night and coffee is not circling my vains yet :slight_smile:

Still, Rock’n Roll for example feels like a true revolution (Yeah, I know it’s based on blues and gospel etc). Same goes for Punk, same for Techno or Rap.

EDM not so much. Same goes for all the Hiphop variations or metal. It’s just the same soup with some new spices.

But feeling is not science!

Everything is born, lives and dies. Death for a music style is the cliché: when it starts repeating itself

So, techno has a million sub genres, and every artist from each particular genrefeels that he is part of some revolution. Being in the tetchnos scene from day 1 and having come and go many differnet flavours, Im always tell them: to me it’s just techno!

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I think this one is true, since rock is so coupled with electric instruments, there were completely new sounds and allowed you to structure ensembles in an entirely new way.

I think these are more of a matter of your experiences than how derivative they are. Seems less like there’s no good new music, and more like you have a much broader frame of reference and see the influences now in a way you didn’t when you were younger.

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@billn - all that could be true. I really have to think about that to formulate an opinion that sounds logical to me.

I find the Rock’n Roll argument nor very strong though, unfortunately, as it’s a) clearly based on other styles and b) a change of instruments does not lead to a new style per sĂ©.
I wish it were different, then the discussion would be much easier.

Listen to " Apocalyptica Plays Metallica", it’s metal on classical instruments. Is it a new music style? I would say: NO!

@howard has complicated this discussion considerably :slight_smile:

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Great chart! But the order is screwy (i.e. electroindustrial is ~12 years too late; Remission came out in 1985, Cabaret Voltaire was arguably electroindustrial even before that; Really Electroindustrial peaked in 1988-1992. Synthwave is 20 years too late; etc) and it’s missing major techno and EBM genres (SF/West Coast House, Miami Deep House, Hardfloor, Detroit Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, Chicago Industrial/EBM scene, etc).


Can I just add that my opinion on this topic is the best? /s

It seems to me the whole debate is kinda missing the point. In philosophy, they say you have to ask the right question - and answer the right question. :innocent:


Ah, @antonio - now the only thing missing is THE RIGHT QUESTION!
As I know only philosophers in Bonn, you must also be one of them :slight_smile:

So: shoot!

PS That’s funny, as it reminds me of the sustain discussion somewhere else. I might not have used the right word, though what I really meant included sustain (which lead to incorrect answers).

I am still thinking on why a new bridge, nut and threaded inserts made the sound of my little bass so much better (including sustain and resonance that can be felt)

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If only we knew what we really needed to ask when we really needed to know it. It would simplify life so much.

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That’s the very nature of almost all human communication :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Are you a philosopher too???

I think it implies more self awareness than most of us possess :rofl:

At the moment? sure why not :slight_smile:

Historically? No, I was a chemistry major and software engineer over time.

In the future? Well, as Heisenberg taught us, sometimes we can’t simultaneously know both where something is at and where it is going.

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But also, God does not throw dice!

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That was Einstein :slight_smile:

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Man, I thought I was the first to say that :slight_smile:

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But they’re not playing classical instruments. They’re amplified and run through effects. You can’t make the same sounds using 19th century tech only, and you couldn’t give that concert to more than a chamber size audience, not Wacken.