Song Requests

I was just wondering. Is there a feature on this site that has a group of song tutorials and requests for more? Seems to me that it would be really popular and a reason to keep people on here forever, if the list is constantly expanding.


Do you have an example for a song?


I would love to learn how to play Maxwell’s “…Til The Cops Come Knockin”


Ah, sorry - could not find that one.

Otherwise I would have proposed Rocksmith-like learning - like this:

I could have made a video for “…Til The Cops Come Knockin”, but unfortunately I could not get it through available sources…

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I appreciate the effort. I can only hope that they add this feature to the site. I’d even pay extra for it if it’s done right.


If you like the Rocksmith approach of my video and you have other songs that you would like to learn: post a list of requests!
I will see if I can find those and create a video.

First look at this thread, maybe you find some songs you like: List of play-along songs with synchronised tabs on Youtube

Everything is free here, no worries - especially good advise and bad jokes :slight_smile:

Welcome to the group!


Will do. Thanks.

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May I suggest YouTube? I have an unhealthy obsession with creating covers and YouTube is my go to when I’m looking for insight regarding how a particular bass line might be played. That and a general Google…

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This guy is doing it, it should be simple enough to transcribe his fretting fingers. It’s not a very difficult chord progression.