If you haven’t already go make a profile on bandmix. Let people know you are really new to bass and you are looking for folks to play with.
I know you are nervous about playing but think of it this way. If people reach out knowing you are just start out then they are reaching out because the value of a bass player (at any skill level) is worth their time.
Just let that sink in:
“the value of a bass player (at any skill level) is worth their time.”
I felt like I was all thumbs yesterday at practice and the outgoing bassist said at the end, “Dude you played notes on those songs that I’ve always wanted to play”.
I know I have a LOOOOONNNGGG way to go but what a great compliment.
I’m also apparently playing my first open mic this week. I only started with this band in October but getting stage experience at any cost is worth whatever potential Trainwreck might occur.
Use your uncomfortableness as an asset to push you into trying harder.