The Gauntlet ( Personal Song Challenges )

So … I ran this idea by @JoshFossgreen and he thought it was a fun idea to try out.

We have the 50 song challenge, we have the “Post your Covers” thread. … What we do not have is a “I challenge thee to play thus” thread.

Well here it is.

How it works:
You post your challenge to a friend, saying “I challenge ____ to play ____”

Also… lets keep the challenges reasonable… remembering we are a learning community :slight_smile:

They can reply challenge accepted or declined. :slight_smile:

( why decline tho? … this is meant in fun… and we are here to learn anyways … :stuck_out_tongue: )

So … I’m gonna start this off.

@TheMadBassist … I challenge you to play ‘No one is to Blame by Howard Jones’ :slight_smile:


I forgot the term in the “game of thrones”.

Challenge accepted


LOL I figured you would be all over that :stuck_out_tongue: Now… I wanna see @TheMadBassist get in on that :slight_smile:

Its such a GREAT song … and ya … a fretless tune… but we make due… Great job btw @Al1885 :slight_smile:


@Al1885 since you are here … throw a challenge down to someone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I challenge @Whying_Dutchman to the same song on his Fretless, :joy:


I like where this is going :slight_smile:

What kind of timeframe are you proposing for someone responding to a challenge?


No rushing… whatever it takes to learn the song if need be :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maximum 24 hours, :rofl:
Post whatever you have, nah that would be disastrous.


24 hours? That’s way too long. 3 hours tops. Clock starts ticking as soon as the challenge is made, regardless of whether the challengee sees it. :rofl:

I was just wondering how much John was looking for “try to get it done quickly even if it is kind of crap” vs. “take your time, even if it is months/years later”.

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I’ll have to wait a little while to tackle that. I have one tomorrow. The next two are picked out to drop so it’ll have to be after I suppose. I’m gonna start dropping a cover every other week due to my band stuff ramping up. We’re writing new material so. Thanks for the challenge. I guess I’ll get around to it at some point.


Gordon Ramsay has entered the thread :rofl: :rofl:

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Hold on there pardner, people have lives haha :laughing:


You know what would be fun. You know how pros do the “hear it for the first time”. It would be hilarious if we do that. , I’ll be like wait what?

That would be fun. Do it live. :joy:


Embrace the suck. :rofl:


Well… not to be a downer but frankly this kind of thing isn’t my thing. For me music isn’t a skills challenge or a showcase/exhibition of skills thing, not saying this necessarily is that but I could understand if someone saw it that way.

I also tend to be really deliberate and choosy about what I play. It’s not a narrow slice of genres but I do tend to have to like music to be motivated to spend time on it.

Not saying this thread is a bad idea at all, but youdid ask why someone would decline :slight_smile:


Sadly I’ve done that a few time. Playing songs Ive never heard for the first time only knowing the key. Oh it’s a disaster, but I got much, much better at faking it, :joy:


Indeed… I did. lol and respect. :slight_smile:


If it’s something I actually care about, then I’d rather take my time and do it when I’m happy with where I’m at with it. This is something different. This is more something that the person doing it can be unserious and all can have a laugh at the silliness. I think there’s always room for silliness.


Definitely! Like I said I don’t think this is a bad idea, just that I could understand why someone wouldn’t be interested.