The Matrix Resurrection

Im the same there…actually didnt understand a thing with 2 + 3…but the original more than made up for.


The second one had some redeeming qualities, but the third was a disaster IMO.


Wait til you watch the 4th, the movie itself shared the directional thoughts with us but still come up slightly short.




My wife and I sat down to watch a movie of which the central premise was time travel. About 40 minutes in we both looked at each other and said “We’ve seen this before”
Old age isn’t all bad folks. You can re-watch classic movies and have no idea how they’ll end!


I’m so tired of the cash grab nostalgia sequels. Bill and Ted, Coming to America (Oh God that was bad) and now the Matrix. The only sequel / reboot they did justice to recently was Mad Max. Trouble is this is all Hollywood does these days (apart from superhero films)…


Sequels I don’t necessarily mind. They can be good. It’s the remakes that I hate.

There have been a few really good ones (Battlestar Galactica, Dune, etc) but for the most part they are uninspired and derivative.


I was supposed to watch it on launch night but the partner and I are both sick with a cold (we tested negative twice, we’re surprised too). Partner was very excited for it but I had extremely low expectations and honestly didn’t really want to go :sweat_smile: It’s nice to hear that I didn’t miss anything :joy:

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This movie is about the same as SW the last jedi and ghost busters 2016.

Now we get movies that are the equivalent of pop music. Writing good characters and stories is too hard, hiring people who are passionate about their projects is just too risky… start out with the idea to make a blockbuster, find some already “successful” writer/director to look after it for you, throw a huge budget and lots of SFX at it and hope people are too dumb or desperate for entertainment that they’ll still give you their cash.

Several years ago i stopped watching most of the hollywood garbage and started watching movies from Asia and Europe. Chinese fantasy/martial arts movies were much more entertaining… now Marvel thinks they can do them better and they’re ruining that with the same hollywood (disney) formulaic crap and coast on the past MCU movies.

Sony has so much potential and keeps screwing that up too.

Ive seen quite a few great lower budget indie movies more recently and it’s unfortunate that they often don’t get much coverage (especially “foreign” films) and you pretty much have to find them by accident.


When the director of the South Korean movie “Parasite” Bong Joon Ho said “Once you overcome the 1-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films,” I thought I hope more people listen to him.

There are some amazing films not in English e.g. in no particular order:
Amelie (France)
Panique au village (Belgium)
Man Bites Dog (Belgium) - not for the faint of heart
Oldboy (S Korea) not the crappy American lazy remake
Memories of Murder (S Korea)
Come and See (Russian)
Pusher (Denmark)
Headhunters (Norway)
Rare Exports (Finland)
Los Cronocrímenes (Spain)
Run Lola Run (German)
Downfall (German)
Cinema Paradiso (Italy)
Persepolis (Iran)
The Lives of Others (German)
Good Bye Lenin! (German)
and on and on etc

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Thanks, I’ll check those out. I think I’ve seen Run Lola Run, Amelie is one of my favourite movies :slight_smile: I find subtitles are much better than dubs, you get to hear the actors real voice and the inflection/emotion. When I watched Dark on Netflix I checked out the dubbed version and it was pretty bad. I prefer most non-english songs in their original language too, I think Girl from Ipanema is much better in Portuguese than English.

Oh I really enjoyed Dark. ‘When is Jonas?’.
I recently watched Squid Game on Netflix. I listened to about 2 mins of the dubbed track before switching back to subtitles.

I’d start with The Lives of Others or Cinema Paradiso off that list to ease you in. Some of them are pretty violent / odd.


I was thinking of that one too. I haven’t watched it yet but it looks really good… I’m saving it for when I really need something to watch :slight_smile:

Thanks :+1:

A couple of years ago I was visiting my mom and we watched some old movies. I don’t remember what they were but they were black and white, in Spanish with subtitles and they were way better than anything I’ve seen from Hollywood in the last decade lol. Movies are all about spectacle now, many viewers have difficulty telling the difference between a good movie and one that looks good.

Dubs suck. Subtitles are always the way to go.


The Matrix (one of my favourite movies) suffered the same fate as another of my favourites in Highlander… not sure how many sequels they’ve done now but couldnt even finish the second one.

I agree with watching the foreign movies too. (And series) so many more ideas and the subtitles gets easy after awhile

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This movie has the same problem as Star Wars: the story was already completely wrapped up in the “last” film. The whole meta thing is just dumb too. It’s funny that The Last Action Hero was probably the first movie to do the self aware thing and make fun of typical 80s action hero movies and it didn’t do well because people didn’t seem to get it.

Now they could have done something interesting with this movie…they could have explored the war between the humans and the machines, which actually sounded interesting but they chose to just repeat all the same stuff from the previous movies.

This is typical of many sequels. Instead of doing more, interesting stuff and continuing on with what was interesting, they just repeat the same stuff again because it’s safe and it’s lazy. Empire strikes back was a great movie because it continued the story, didn’t play it safe and ended without resolving things, making you wait like 3 years for the “end”.


This is a great point. I thinks more than anything they are afraid or being called “jump the shark” lol.

Highlander 2 was the first movie I just walked out of.

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I agree there…the Star Wars probably “hurts”the most as I was 12 when it 1st came out…and what an impression it made…at mid 50’s now each sequel is more disappointing

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I was secretly hoping that the street riot scene would be similar to John Wick 3 fighting dog sequence. From start to finish it was matching and exceeding my expectations for the franchise.