The Official BassBuzz Food Thread

One of my favorite dishes.That sounds awesome.


Some home made Guac. :avocado:


Well done. All guac should be homemade - it’s easy and 10x better.

Chips too. Once we started making our own chips we haven’t gone back to buying them. Easy and so much better.


@RuknRole, it took you longer to arrange the chips on the plate than it would take me to eat them :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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I don’t eat a lot of carbs… though I do drink a fair share of them.

When I make guac, I layer a slice of aged cheddar, slice of tomato, gob o’ guac, and then again the same. You have to eat it with a fork, but it’s really good.

Alternatively, I’ll take romane lettuce, thinly quarter-sliced red onion* and some tomatoes (wedges, or split cherry tomatos) mix them into a salad with some bacon bits or chopped dried sausage, sprinkle with a little parm and then use the guac as a dressing. If you add some olive oil, you have a super quick keto meal.

*Prior to adding to the salad try to soak the onion in red wine vinegar or red wine. Nummy!


I’m going to research it and give it a try.

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Ha ha, yes they went down in no time!

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Super easy, just get a stack of corn tortillas, cut them like a pizza into chips, and fry them. Youcan either deep fry or pan fry them. Baking or air frying would probably work just fine too.


Thanks for the tip! I have an air fryer, I’ll give it a try this weekend.

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I’ve baked them after brushing then with a little olive oil. Very tasty.


Yeah I bet that works great. They are actually hard to do poorly, even if you undercook them they are still good.

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You just have to be careful of the pointy end. I don’t do a good job of rounding them off. :grin:

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Finally satisfied that pizza craving!


It’s hot outside! This beer is super refreshing and has very low alcohol content (2.5%). Perfect for cooling off!

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Ah Radler (I was introduced to that when I lived in Germany) is an excellent choice.

Radler means cyclist in German I think. So you can drink and ride, nein?

Check out Stiegl if you liked that.


i am this >< close to starting a bassbuzz beer thread


Due to the current dietary fun, this gluten free beer is the top prize winner for me, and damn good too…from Spain of all places!!


Before my move out West this summer, I’m making sure I enjoy my local brewing folklore. I live in a city of 130K people… and 5 breweries. I consider this a decent ratio for Norte Amerique. Specifically (listing of our breweries and my favorite wobbly pop from each).

We also have a “great” history with our American cousins. Guelph, and specifically the Sleeman brewery was a huge source for bootlegged beer into the US during the prohibition. In fact, Sleeman’s was shut down for 50 years by The Law because of it. Only revived in the 80’s. John Sleeman’s family mansion was sold when the original brewery went bust and has been the city’s only strip joint for the last thirty odd years.

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I think we need to start a BeerBuzz thread…


I start one most Fridays :sweat_smile: