Hey what’s your YouTube channel? Man dope came to my town a few months ago I actually helped them put all their equipment. Back on the truck…I clicked that link in the reply it took me to my channel
to be sure :
my YT channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQnWflSlx3eL_htadhTayBA
and my site with the covers : https://basse.laurentberta.com/
@terb that was great, it definately has a great tone really catches the ear.
I’m really loving these Jim Dunlop stubby picks. They seem too small, but when you get them between your fingers, it’s easy to travel from one string to another without accidentally scraping across the wrong string along the way.
I just ordered a pack to try out. Thanks Pam!
I hope you like them as much as I do!
i don’t really use a pick much anymore, but i did when i was a kid banging away at ramones type songs, i strangely could only use guitar picks. like the paper thin ones. i still use only that type if i need one.
I’ve really started to like the tone and feel of this wood pick. But it does require a lot more effort to play on the E & A strings. I also bought a variety pack as well and I always end up picking up this wood pick. It also has grooves for your thumb and index finger, so you never have to adjust it while playing.
Neat. I could see wood as a material working out well! How fast does it wear down?
I’ll let you know as time passes. So far its just the black scrapping that you see in the picture and that’s after ohh probably 20-30 hours of playing.
Somehow I have found myself in a place where I am using a pick nearly 100% of the time.
Inevitable given the styles I like I guess.
My muting still sucks with them though, need to seriously up my game.
Yeah, muting is a problem for me as well, which is why I’ve pretty much given up on playing with a pick.
It’s not impossible or even really very hard, it’s just different and you need to do it a lot more. And I’m not to the point where it is becoming subconscious yet. I’ll get there though
sure you will !
I play guitar with pick for the last 20 years so… impossible for me to play bass with my fingers…isnt me.
Then, play with a pick
Interesting video by Luke regarding picking.
I have tried downstroke only (only briefly tried upstroke only), but they feel very clunky and unnatural to me. I am most comfortable with the alternating method. I can play “Money” all day long with alternate picking, or just finger plucking, but I find it difficult to do with only down or up stroke.
I use both too, mostly I don’t think about it and sort of pick however makes sense. 16th notes almost always alternating though.
I’m a freak as pick playing goes. I often favor upstrokes for some reason i cannot explain.