I’ve got a question for @terb. Recently I’m trying to improve my pick playing. I have no problem with using downstroke but up/down is a different story. The strings are a lot thicker and harder to pluck then with my guitar. So my question is that for up/down you also have to use your wrist for that plucking motion?
it’s a tough question ! I think that I attack less “deep” on the bass when I play down/up, which requires less torque, less force than when I play all-downstroke. it’s some kind of economic motion, it’s more superficial. but I think I always use only my wrist. I don’t believe I could have enough accurary with the elbow, anyway
Thanks Terb, I might have formulated my question a bit wrong because I actually use my wrist too but for strumming I learned to use my whole arm. I’m just trying to find the right motion and angle because the strings are so much thicker then on the guitar. Attack less “deep” seems like a good solution for me, I know what you mean with it. Thanks again!
Thus, be sure you are using a thicker pick. I play with minimum 1.5 mm
1.5 is pretty thick. I like 1.0-1.1. But yeah, don’t go less than about 0.88 or you’ll have a bad time.
I have a couple 1.5-2mm (and a couple Jazz picks) but I prefer a bit thinner than that. but not too much.
I play with a 1.14 but yeah @Pampurrs is right : a bass requires a thicker pick than a guitar ! you have to test different stiffness to determine what suits you and your current string gauge.
@Paul I remembered today one of my first covers (in fact it’s the second one) with a lot of down/up ; I believe that you will clearly see how I attack the strings :
Yeah I see it. Really cool Terb, thanks! Nice Yamaha too
I’ve been reading this thread waiting to ask about wood pics! What is the brand of that?
@doylecb I bought them off amazon.
If you search either the American or Canadian site for “US Blues P3-GRTK Grip Wood Teak Guitar Picks”. You should be able to locate them. A 3 pack was 15$ CDN.
The one I’ve been playing is still in the same condition as the photo I supplied.
It does however, cause some dust build up as the material is slowly broken down. But I’m still enjoying them.
So at this point I have basically moved to exclusively playing with a pick. Not sure when it happened, probably while doing the last couple covers (Hooky only picks), combined with learning guitar now too. But here I am, a heretic, and loving it.
Basically settled on 1.0-1.1mm Tortex for bass. Love the feel and you can get pretty expressive depending on how you pick.
The Darkglass pick they give you with pedals is 0.88. A bit flubby but I still like it. Tortex so not as bad as it could be.
But 1.0 is my sweet spot.
Nice ! maybe you could try a Dunlop Ultex, which is somewhat the higher range than the Tortex.
I’m stuck with Ultex 1.14 (shape 421 = guitar pick , or 433 = sharp), which is not far from the gauge you use. I will try eventually Ultex 1.0 , which I probably already tried with guitars but not necessarily with basses.
By the way, with guitars, I only use the Ultex Jazz III 1.38
I have one! But it is 2.0 which is a bit beefy. I should get more.
My current favorites:
You can see the 1.0 on the bottom is starting to get a little worn
yeah, I know this, I’m a pick killer. the Ultex ones are infinitely more durable !
I’ll pick some up. Unfortunately only seeing them in large packs online, will have to go in person.
I also kind of like the sound you get as the pick gets worn and rounded a bit too. Kind of a “shoof shoof shoof” effect. I’m sure you know what I mean but it is hard to describe. It sounds “friendly”
yeah, I know what you mean. actually I don’t use much this pick sound because I don’t attack flat on the tip, but more on the edge. my picks are sharpened like blades because of the friction with the strings, and I believe that’s why I destroy them so fast.
I’ve learned that’s actually the best way to pick for guitar, angled and to the edge, and I am trying to retrain to it.
Does anyone own a Rombo pick? https://rombopicks.com/
I never got comfortable with picks, because I never got a comfortable pick. I’m tempted to try these out