Totally Off Topic: Mens shoes

Allen Edmonds for something more dressed up.

Nick’s for something that’s more hard core boot.


I used to wear Clarks, but it’s been a while and I’m not sure if the construction has changed. Now that I work 100% remote I just wear Birkenstocks, Vans, or ASICS running shoes.


i am full in person and shirt and tie

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I remember those days. Sorry.


Beckett simonon make a dress shoe with leather bottoms and blake stitch. Blundstone makes a decent boot.

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Depends where you live but I’m guessing north America somewhere. I’ve been to that part of the world once or twice and have acquired four pairs of Frye boots, two harness and two Chelsea style. The harness boots are as tough as, well, old boots and the one pair of Chelsea are put together old school, with stitched soles, etc. I’d say give them a look but last I heard they were closing their own stores back in 2020, so you’d have to find a department store that sells them. The website is worth a look first to see if anything they have blows your skirt up.
If money is not an issue, whilst they’re a ridiculously expensive designer brand, Christian Louboutin shoes are hand stitched and exceptionally well put together.
If you’re in the UK any time soon, check out Russell & Bromley, as some of their shoes are old school, too. I’ve been wearing a pair to work at least a couple of days a week (apart from during covid lockdowns) and they’re lasting extremely well. When the time comes, they’ll need new soles but the uppers will still be going strong.

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Finally a topic I can really dig!

I am a hardcore John Fluevog wearer/collector for over 25 years or so.
Started with Dr. Marten (fun fact, John Fluevog, before he was a shoe designer, is responsible for bringing Dr. Marten to North America and the fist to sell them in his then shoe store) but quickly found Fluevog to be the single most comfortable (and stylish) shoe on the planet.

  1. they are not cheap
  2. they are way more stylish than boring men’s brown/black shoes
  3. my good friend and college drinking buddy Karen always said to me “the first thing women look at on a man is their shoes, so make sure you have good ones”
  4. not all, but many styles can be worn with a suit and will up your game, from casual to dressier than you can imagine
  5. they are addictive
  6. very high quality (some are 20+ years old, however, if you want shoes to last, have several and rotate them)
  7. sorry for the poor pic, hard to get a good angle.
  8. Unique soles for unique souls
  9. The Angel soles “Resists alkali, water, acid, fatigue and Satan.”


And I thought I had too many shoes… :sweat_smile:

There is no such thing.

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@John_E You just might be the male equivalent of. . . Imelda! (perhaps at a somewhat smaller scale) :grin:

@Old_WannaBe You might try Nordstrom’s, the department store that I believe originally started as a shoe store. Johnston and Murphy shoes may have what you need. Also, Jones Bootmaker has brogues and other leather shoes.

My youngest son was introduced to Cole Haan shoes and hasn’t looked back since (a budding @John_E sort?), but I’m not particularly fond of their models with white, and other colorful soles. Many are not traditional for business, as I think of business dress. Of course I don’t have to wear them, and I’m not “hip,” either!

Eh - re-reading your original post, it seems that you may want a more casual shoe. But, there may be some like that in the links I have above, vs. all dress type shoes.

I am shocked! Shocked I say! :rofl:


I actually collect very few things…
Yankee Yearbooks
Basses (I guess pedals too)

That’s it.
Oh, and albums.

But that’s really it.

…and David Lynch anything.

But that is REALLY IT.

I think.


What is a “Yankee Yearbook”?

New York Yankees (baseball team) annual “yearbook” of all the players for that year.
Started in 1950 through present.
I now have all but one of them.

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@John_E Very few things? Steve Martin. The Jerk. “This is All I Need.”


Jim Green hiking and workboots. They are made in South Africa. I have owned a pair for years; and not in need of a resole yet. They are readily available in many countries; and owing to a very good exchange rate to the Rand, they are quite affordable.

Dude, are you, like, a millipede or something?


It’s becoming increasingly challenging to find craftsmanship like the old-fashioned leather walking shoes or boots with wooden soles.

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I also have only Merrell shoes, the “barefoot” versions … and the old version (thin sole) Joe Nimbles for barefoot boots.
But that might not be relevant here :slight_smile: