Uh…this guy plays Billie Jean — like, ALL parts, including melody

I had one, sound is not good. Piezo pickup only.
Takes a lot of EQ / preamp etc to get it so sound good.
Although the brittleness of the piezo pickup works well for tap/slap.

Their other model is much better, take it travelling with me whenever I have to fly.

You can pick them up used very inexpensively.

I enjoyed Charles when he first started getting popular but he’s pretty much the same thing over and over and it gets boring. He’s a great musician/artist but that’s not why I’m watching YT. I find Davie much more entertaining and he’s always changing the things he does and trying to come up with something new. It kind of sucks this year that he’s just doing so many shorts but that’s what gets views and subscribers and it’s so much less work than much of his other content.

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Just a hunch but I think YT is turning more into TikTok. :face_vomiting:

Well, that’s their whole goal with YT shorts, to compete with TikTok.

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I dislike shorts but that one you posted the other day with the mandolin was awesome :rofl:

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I can’t agree more about shorts.
I blocked them altogether (shorts) same with FB reels.
When you use Brave web browser, you can block elements of the page you don’t like (works in most cases).

Thank you for sharing,
It’s a great song and this guy can play Bass for sure.

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Charles is indeed awesome. Crazy talented multi-instrumentalist and composer.

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200 BASSISTS play the most famous bass line of all time - YouTube


Cool event.

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How they made that Billie Jean bassline on the album . . .