Upgrade Day! Anyone Else Upgrading?

I’ll post more info later, but man, I wish I had taken apart my P-Bass before ordering all those upgrade parts. I got them all today, including a new pickguard; I replaced the bridge, wired up the new electronics installed in the new pickguard, and then started taking apart the bass to install it. That’s when I noticed, looking at the stock electronics I was about to replace…

…they’re beautiful already. Great pots, a much better cap than the one I had ordered, the best jack I have ever seen, and a better solder job than I can do. Additionally, in addition to the bridge ground, it has a second ground lead going to the shielding paint in the cavity, which had another lead from it going to the shielding paint in the pickup cavity. It’s fantastic, really high quaity electronics job for a stock bass in this price range.

All I ended up doing was putting in the new DiMarzios and loosening the jack flanges a little. Put it all back together and there she be, new pups and bridge. Sounds fantastic.

So, if anyone is wondering about the quality of MIJ Fenders, this Hybrid II is very, very nice.

So… now I have an extra P-bass pickguard all wired up for fun. Oh well. Maybe I’ll sell it.