Upgrade Day! Anyone Else Upgrading?

Meet Herbie the Love Bass

Got the pickup in today, the volume pot died when taking the old pickup off. Replaced it with a 500k pot.

It sounds fantastic. Big old fat humbucker sound, better than the bucker on my Telebass. For one thing it’s clear, warm, all I could want in a bass.

It is hot, and it picks up all the finger noise on the strings so now I have to work on that. Maybe reboot B2B and start from the beginning.

Anyway, really happy how it turned out.

The pickups that came out have no identifying marks, but have offset poles, so I’m thinking they’re Nordstrand



I was not convinced about a bass with racing stripes, but now I see it. Very cool!!!

I would really like to know how it sounds like, having this cool Humbucker and all…

I envy you!


Thanks. I have to say at the risk of sounding boastful, this is like my best project to date. I have no complaints, it sounds fantastic, all humbuckery. I played one of those G&L Fallout basses with the humbucker, and this sounds so much better. The neck is smooth, frets are perfect, it’s comfortable to play for so small a body, it’s perfect.

Even with the racing stripes, which I’m not sure I would have chosen but it comes with the line.


Well, I’d say that a great success is always a valid option !

That’s a very insteresting instrument, at the same time a classic (Mustang with Racing stripes) and something different (the color scheme is not a classic one, and obviously the HB in a Precision / Mustang position)


All of the racing stripe fenders look incredible. Then again, I am partial to racing stripes.


maybe this world needs P’s with racing stripes


Yeah! Like the new MIJ’s last year.

Far left :heart: :heart:

also what is that thing on the far right? Looks like a Jaguar with slanted pickups?


no, it’s a normal Mustang.


Ahh ok


The Jaguar looks more like a Jazzmaster (not exactly the same body shape, but very close) with two single coils and chrome metal plates inserted into the pickguard.

The Mustang is a short scale guitar (existed in two different scales) from where the Mustang Bass is directly derived (body shape, pickguard, chrome control plate … and still short scale as we all know)


Cool. I’d never seen a Mustang guitar before, just the bass.


The cousin

Although, the Novack pup sounds a lot better than the original pup. From what I have heard


Also Jazzmaster guitar pickups should be retconned out of history and replaced with P90s. I keep forgetting, see a Jazzmaster, think “ooh…”, and then remember :rofl:

Love the dual P90 sound; Jazzmasters not so much.

I agree. I’m a fan of the stripes too. That white and blue one that @Wombat-metal has is sweet. I wonder if they do yellow and black or other color combinations.

That’s quite different, yeah. The Jazzmaster pickups are way more … Fender :slight_smile: and the P90’s are way more aggressive. It’s quite hard to find really good P90’s tho. My Gibson ones are stored in a little plastic box :sweat_smile: and the ones I use on my guitars are a Sunbear, a Seymour Duncan, a Bareknuckle and two Custom 77.

I’m not surprised at all, the pickup(s) quality is often (almost always) the weak point on Fender’s.

My favorite Mustang Competition color scheme is most probably the orange one :


I like that one too. Last year Squier put out a limited run and I didn’t luck out, but man I like them.

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Yeah. I really liked my SD SP90-1n. I would go back to the Duncans in the future.

I have a SD Hot P90 set, I use the bridge pickup on my blue SG. the neck pickup of the set is unused for now.

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I seem to have changed: from utter contempt and disgust for racing stripes on basses I got to “maybe my new bass needs racing stripes too?”

Can you show the side and the back of Herbie (the bass)? I am curious, how the stripes “end”…

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Herbie is body conscious today, so I am including pics from another one (plus I am at work).

Answer - the stripes do not make it to the back