Victor Wooten Must Watch Video

Watch this and listen to what Victor says in it. Mind blown. Trust me. Watch the whole thing. Only 15 min.


Wow! Incredible. This is a must watch. Thanks for the share.


Wow, awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’ve heard Victor say most of that stuff elsewhere but this was a nicely packaged interview!


“The coolest Notes are the WRONG notes”… damn that got my attention. Being an engineer I tend to be very logical and methodic, in my work, in my life, in playing… and what Victor said smacked me upside the head. Sometimes wrong is RIGHT…given the right context and feeling!


as Miles davis used to say : don’t be scared with wrong notes, that doesn’t exist

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Josh, I wanna hear you play with Victor, put both of you guys’ shapes in some everyday’s special funk box (I’m trying hard to follow). Cheers :smile:


I wanna hear me play with Victor too! I’ve had the chance informally here and there, but nothing recording unfortunately. Hopefully I’ll go to one of his camps again next summer assuming they happen!


The bass face activation at the start of the wrong note segment


This was astounding, thank you for sharing this. I am finding more and more admiration for this man with each new video I see.


Wait! What? Can we have more of this story?

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This video is worth a watch also. From about 3:50 on is insane.

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Ha yeah sure:

The first time I really met Victor (not just fanboying after a show) was at a nature/music camp in 2008 called “Earth School.” Kinda like Vic’s camps, but more nature focused, led by his friend Richard Cleveland.

Anyway, I was 17 or so at time, and was pretty thrilled to be at this little camp of about eleven or twelve campers, two of them being Victor Wooten and Chuck freaking Rainey.

The camp was so small that I actually got to play with Victor a bit, unlike his larger camps where he doesn’t have much free time. His Palmystery record had just come out, and I’d learned a couple of the tunes before camp, which turned out to be a good move…

That album had this cool solo bass track called “The Lesson”…

I actually got to play this song… for Victor Wooten… and he said I was the first person who’d played it for him! Pretty cool.

I also remember jamming with him on the song “Flex” -

I still roll my eyes when I think back to that jam, because I remember we traded solos on the solo section, and in my foolish youth I didn’t catch that Victor wanted to extend his solo another time around the progression, and by the time I’d jumped into the tag that ends solos, I was like “oh f**king $%!t I just cut Victor Wooten off during a solo!” :sob:

He was of course very gracious about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

So that was a thrill, Victor was my idol at that age so those experiences meant a lot to me. And he’s been kind enough to tolerate my company a number of times over the years when he’s in town on tour, hanging out at soundchecks and what not.

Also I got to play this bass once, it was freaking awesome:


I seem to remember a young Josh Fossgreen coming back from this with CHUCK RAINEY’S PHONE NUMBER?? Didn’t you hang out on a plane or something?

I was so awed and amazed by the stories.


Victor always seems like such a nice guy. Pretty cool you had the chance to do that, especially when you were so young. Sound like some pretty great memories. I would love to be able to go to one of his camps.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: This makes the story so much better.

What? No commentary on that Vic DeTune video? Maybe folks need a direct link.


Ha, I forgot that part! Yes, very technically speaking, I do have his phone number… but I would not assume I’m welcome to call at this point, lol.

I think we hung out on the drive back to the airport, I remember he was telling me about the Celestine Prophecy books, which he was really hyped about. Maybe Way of the Peaceful Warrior too. Good times!


Yo Chucky Rai, it’s me J-Fossy, how you doing?? Text him that


“I can play in the total wrong key so well that I can make YOU sound wrong”

Haha, absolutely love it

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Yeah, but just applies to Victor Wooten…
…if I play the wrong key, it sounds like a wrong key :smiley:


Yep… Also the part where he says he uses feel, not music theory. Knowing something so well that you just feel it, and don’t have to consciously think about it, is the ultimate mastery of that skill. Common peasants like me do have to learn and think about music theory, and it’s going to be on my passenger seat for the foreseeable future. Best I’ll ever be able to do is glove compartment I think.

Not that I know anything about anything obviously, but that was my interpretation at least.


(YES EVERYONE…I KNOW HE’S A BASS GOD) …but… Was I the only one who actually thought it sounded wrong? I know he pulled it together in the end but to me it didn’t sound good.

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