What are you listening to right now?

RIP Chris Cross.


Need to back up the glorious '80s vibe above with something more in line with my mood this morning.

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long live rock


Noooooo! Everybody I know is dying suddenly! What’s happening? I remember “Vienna” like it was yesterday…

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Duran Duran Rio… hopefully the link works for this version

great bassline!! I’m learning this at the moment, it’s a workout for the fingers!!


Bob Vylan (not the D guy) has a new album out, and it’s great! Unfortunately he has decided to not relaase the best tracks as videos. But it*s still good:

You can say many unfavourable things about the British (Brexit, anyone?) but they know how to make music … and I love virtually every english accent!

My favourtite track by Bob Vylan::

Friend “how high are you?”
Me “yes”

While true, the Yorkshire accent is my favorite by a little bit.


This came out when I was deep into my Sonic Youth phase (14/15 years old). Still my favorite Pumpkins song, tbh it’s one of 2 that I still listen to of theirs after 30 years (Soma being the other).


NO surprise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asckosd3l8w

New album out today!

Blur is just really really good and simple. When I heard this I was instantly rocking. When I heard Gorillaz it was the same…just good solid music


Fantastic album right there

I’ve been getting back to some music from long ago…

Level 42 and King’s X

Level 42 Something about you


IKR? Albarn’s a genius.

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Other than Song 2, they never got anywhere near as big over on this side of the pond. I love Blur and have for years and years. 13 is such a brilliant album.

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Yeah, Song 2 and Girls and Boys were about it in the US that I remember, until Gorillaz, and no one knew Gorillaz was Albarn at the time in the US.

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Which is such as shame because most of their really good stuff sounds nothing like the 1 hit wonder poppy stuff that got radio play here (thinking the Universal, This is a low, No distance left to run type songs).

Personally, I love their stuff like Death of a party, Battle, Caramel… the weirder ones.

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Still going deep on the Mathcore over here

New vampire weekend album. Lots of jazz inspiration and the bass is pretty far forward. Overall I like it, but the drums sound think and choked and that’s bothering me a little.

This song is a bop: