What are you listening to right now?

It’s rare a metal song hits the mainstream, but this one did. it hit #3 on Apple Play world over the weekend. It’s got over 5m streams on Spotify and 3 million plays on YT, which for a rock song is a lot (in 4 days).

Who’d a thought

I just stumbled over an old album of “Enter Shikari”, which I discovered on an ARTE broadcast of the Sziget festival in Budapest.

As you are posting Ratata, I do not feel ashamed that I like “Mothership” (I know it’s different, but it also has such a cheesy & tacky vibe)

(This song has EVERYTHING - miss the Japanese girls though!)

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Saw them thrice (I think), they used to have a singer who left the band recently. They were great live everytime I saw them.

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Awesome. Really digging their sound.

If you like it, good for you. Thing is underneath it all, the music is solid. It’s fun.

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See them Wednesday

One thing on “cheese”; Tank, the tour manager for Electric Callboy, said he heard the song before it was released and thought the "oo-ah oo-ah’s were really cheesy. But he didn’t understand Japanese Karaoke culture then, and that when Ratatata was played live over the weekend, there were 20,000 people going “oo-ah oo-ah” during the intro before the song started. He now thinks its brilliant.

He also said that he had to wire the head mics for the boys from a zipper by their butts in those funny suits. Showbiz.

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Being callboys they surely don’t mind :slight_smile:

Fun fact: I just learned that my ex-girlfriend knows the singer, from the times that the were called “Eskimo Callboy”. They both come from Essen/Germany, and the art/music scene there is quite small, so everybody knows everybody.

I used to live in Essen for a year, and have a very hazy memory of the times there, but I can imagine that music like that originates from that region.
The whole Ruhrgebiet (cause of the combination of former heavy industry and unemployment) is the source of quite some subversive and fun sub culture and consequently interesting music…

Current singer or previous singer?

I didn’t start listening to them until they dropped Eskimo. Around where I live, the Native people take great offense at that term. So I just gave them a pass.

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Ah, don’t know - didn’t want to ask for details. Ok, that was all after the time with me, so I shouldn’t be bothered…

Yeah, I just read about the “Eskimo” thing. Coming from another generation I am not very sensitive to those things, though I am “a f#cking liberal through and through” (quoting a redneck friend of mine).

As I have friends from all cultures, creeds and colours, I fall in all kinds of traps on an almost daily basis, being a non-PC old-timer - but I’m willing to learn and become a better person!

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We have a large Native population around here, and some days I will hear chanting and look out my window and there’s a group of Natives forming a circle with their kayaks on the ocean doing some sort of ritual. It’s really cool to watch and listen to the music.


That sounds like something for me, being a kayak fan and generally interested in every “foreign” culture…

Maybe you should get a kayak, a waterproof bass (an orange one called “Nemo”?) and ask permission to join the ceremony??!?!

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The town is called ‘Eat’ ? :rofl:

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Yep - but could be worse/better:



Oh, that is hilarious…


Yeah - take that USA :slight_smile:

EDIT Zzze Zzermans might not have humour, but they do have a lot of funny names for places. Compensation, anyone??!

(They even have Texas!)

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They brought it with then when Pennsylvania was being settled:

I’m pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they put intercourse practically next door to mount joy.


I heared no matter how great Intercouse is, in the end everybody likes Climax better :slight_smile:

(@admin: I refer to the places in @Billn’s link - my English is not good enough to be anything but innocent!)

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An updated song by Nemophila

Saki on guitars recently left, and the band is going on as a foursome. How did they change? A lot more bass! Haraguchi is now rocking an Atelier Z, is more forward in the mix, and has a solo… She used to rock a red Sadowsky.

Trivia - Tamu Murata on drums, given name is Ai, but she likes to bang on the toms and so is known as Tamu

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Time to hit the road for the show

Nice bass face on the thumbnail :slight_smile: