Their drummer has a cool youtube channel of his own too.
Ohh @wellbi the old hymns have some straight up bangers. I’m a sucker for anthemic tunes be it hymns or rock.
I also love how everyone used to sing 4 part harmony almost with ease. It’s a lost art
Listen to the bass coming out of those guys!
My dad played piano/keyboard for over 30 yrs in the church so music was a solid backdrop I was either listening to him practice or jamming to 80s tunes on the radio.
I can’t claim to be an atheist but modern church turning away from banger hyms that are hundreds of years old should be a crime. I’ll take 4 loooonnngg unique verses over modern praise songs with 7 repeating words over and over any day.
But they seemed like such nice girls
The original From the depths of dreams album from Senses Fail is one of my all time favs.
Every part of this tume brings me joy especially the drums and bass. Here’s a YT link but if you can listen to it (the original version) on Spotify it sounds 100x better
The fun thing about listening to Japanese music is I have no idea if it’s cringe, or over hyped or whatever and I can just enjoy what I like the sound of. Also the vocals just become part of the soundscape and don’t have much meaning unless I go looking for it. SO that said these are two I’ve had on repeat for a bit
Only 4 strings. How can it be metal without a 5 or 6 string dingwall
Someone mentioned Minneapolis earlier, so here’s my second favorite band from there.
This is more or less a solid candidate for the theme song of GenX
…and now my favorite Minneapolis band, in with what I think is the best cover song ever made. Bonus points that Crosby didn’t like it at all
So much tasty bass in their songs.
What a flipping great album! Was front row at a Paul Westerberg show in the mid-90’s (he memorably played a full song wearing my friend’s eyeglasses) and he seemed legitimately flabbergasted that any of us still remembered the words and could sing along to the old 'Mats tunes he played. I have a couple of their tunes on my short list of potential covers to do.
I like to do this thing where I pick a scale like G major and then search for a play list of rock songs in that scale/key to try and play around and figure out.
I was having some fun tonight playing around, watching music videos, and eventually came across “walk like an Egyptian”. Which is a kinda silly song but it still sounds ok. I jumped down the Bangles rabbit hole and I was surprised when I remembered a few bangers.
I love this a little too much I think, not the least reason being Klaus botching the “rolling rolling” at first and Jello’s reaction
And yes, Klaus Fluoride is a good example of a punk bassist rocking a J
They dropped an album that looks like it’s just a 2 hour live set recorded.
Asami posted on IG that a new ep dropped today so I will be on the lookout for that