What are you listening to right now?

If you haven’t heard Hoffen they are outstanding.

sounds excellent and great song name :slight_smile:

I liked this.
Although, it could be the outfits. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Mostly I am just happy Sub Pop is still cranking out good stuff. And I can appreciate good dreampop, my favorite band from Japan is more or less indie dreampop.

Given my history, I think I could slip into a goth band easily other than I in no way shape or form look the part anymore. I dropped the goth look and at this point, I think the only pair of black pants I own are dress slacks.


If you’re on a dreampop kick, you should look into more of that band I covered yesterday Tamaryn. She’s got a few albums and they’re all really terrific.

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Every once in a while I consider buying the old clothes I used to rock and then I remember the classic Onion:


Oh I wouldn’t say I am on a dreampop kick though I do think I’ll listen to Supercar for a while today :rofl:

That cover was good though. I’ll check them out.

I remember laughing at that, but tbh it’s just like any other fashion. Dress for your age. Maybe skip the skin tight leather / pleather pants and fishnet shirt and go with something that covers you and breathes. I keep saying that I should look at picking up some sort of outfit so I can look like I belong if the need arises. 25 years ago, I don’t even know what I’d do if I ran into someone that knew the scene as well as I do and dressed the way I do now. :exploding_head:



Actually I always was more of a Jim Reid (from JAMC) look and that might still work.

The Bangles cover of “Hazy Shade of Winter” has always been one of my favorite covers ever, and the fact that Suzanna Hoffs is still rocking it makes me super happy.


The algorithm is not messing around today. Then again I had liked and saved this one.

When it comes to Susanna Hoffs covers, I am kinda’ partial to this one… the music is pretty good too


This whole mix is worth it just for:

Love their use of synth unison on this one. Very close to my vibe.

My first crush. If I’m being honest… it hasn’t ever gone away.

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I watch her insta feed constantly. She’s great.


They never do :rofl:

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Ok back to Capsule. Nakata is just great with clubpop.

Oh man then thinking of Capsule plus Beasties led me to one of my favorite mixes of all time.

I’m obsessed with this…