What are you listening to right now?

Did you know that Tina Weymouth is credited as a writer on this song because it samples from “Genius of Love” by The Tom Tom Club?
MolotovGirl (sarcastically): “Don’t have a good day, have a great day.”
Guy (captivated ): “Love that song!”
MolotovGirl (surprised): “That’s a new one.”


A great baseline and example of Macca’s Rick tone.
Hadn’t really heard this one before.



I’m listening to Patricia Morrison rocking out.



Sometimes it’s just time for some deep, dirty, old school Miami house.

This song swept through Bay Area clubs at the time like a tornado hitting a trailer park.


I was listening to Floodland by Sisters of Mercy a couple days ago and when This Corrosion came on I was transported back to a club that is long gone, drunk on rail vodka, with only the vaguest recollection in my mind that I would need to be at work at 7 AM. :woozy_face:

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Such a good album!




I think this is called “your twenties”.


Why yes! I do believe it is. This particular shade of twenties was “24.” :rofl:


I don’t know who runs this label. but I have not heard a bad or even mediocre band on Napalm

For you @heather.crook



There’s a few newer small, high quality labels like that; Napalm, Pelagic, Deathwish… all great.

Of course there’s also 4AD, who have been that way forever.


4AD & Factory, the two most important labels ever (for me). with a special shoutout to the FAC number system for their “discography”, which is one of my favorite things in music:

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I love all the assorted random stuff with FAC numbers too. Like the Hacienda :rofl:

Or this bass they made Hooky out of wood from the Hacienda:

Factory of course produced my favorite band, but even beyond Joy Division/New Order, they had lots of other interesting stuff - A Certain Ratio, Durutti Column, etc.

I’m also a sucker for Peter Saville’s art

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and FAC 501 is tony wilson’s coffin. i mean… morbid but still kind of excellent.

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He would have approved :slight_smile:

I love that the bass has “51” as f-holes. The Hacienda is FAC 51 :rofl:


In the small label camp my clear #1 is Wax Trax!
For KMFDM and My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult alone.
Front 242, Ministry, Meat Beat Manifesto, Front Line Assembly etc are all just icing on the cake.

RIP Wax Trax!
Long Live Wax Trax!


I’d flip those around and put MBM as #1, the nFront 242 :slight_smile:

Wax Trax is awesome for sure though.

Front Line Assembly was Nettwerk, along with the other Leeb/Fulber bands.

I’d put Nettwerk above Wax Trax too, just for Skinny Puppy, my second favorite band :slight_smile:

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Speaking of which, listening to this, one of my favorite Bill Leeb/Rhys Fulber side projects:

Always loved their work, across all of Front Line Assembly, Intermix, and Delerium. They also used the same synth I had :slight_smile:

I also noticed I was misremembering - they released a lot of stuff on Third Mind, not Nettwerk, and FLA was on Wax Trax after all, along with several other labels. Sorry about the brain fart there.

MBM was also on several labels; I actually forget what Dangers released on Wax Trax. Maybe Storm the Studio? Need to check. Jack Dangers was kind of a musical hero of mine, MBM is amazing.

Edit: Looks like Storm the Studio and Armed Audio Warfare were on Wax Trax, the rest on other labels. Those were both great albums though.



Vulfpeck - the only band good enough to open for themselves: I’m always amazed that any musician playing a lot of 16ths can last an entire show… and then Joe Dart and Cory Wong do a 30 minute set in the Fearless Flyers just in time to do a 90 minute Vulfpeck show.

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i just signed an online petition started by friends of mine to get chicago to make the wax trax building on lincoln a historical landmark. it’s now, i believe, an aromatherapy store :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: