I had a couple of Robinson’s Trooper beer the last couple of days! I had to work late Wednesday and Thursday and had to stop at Rock N Roll Ribs in Coral Springs FL for dinner.
I stopped drinking alcohol a year or two ago. Don’t really miss the alcohol itself, but do kinda miss a tasty cocktail every now and again. Really enjoyed an Old Fashioned, so thought I’d give this Whistlepig (was my absolute favorite Rye) non-alcoholic concoction a go. The terpenes are an interesting twist. Just ordered a bottle.
I love Old Fashioneds but kind of struggling with the idea of what CBD terpenes would add that would be good.
Then again an Old Fashioned without the whiskey is gonna be tough to pull off, so I’m hoping this one works out well for you!
Apparently “hazy aromas and a toasty mouthfeel”. I’m curious enough to try it, will report back!
I love great bourbon and whiskey. I regularly order an Old Fashioned. My fave is made with Blanton’s.
But when I want something just as tasty, but different, I I order a Sazerac made with WhistlePig rye.
Blanton’s is solid. I prefer bourbon there too. I like rye, but for an Old Fashioned I think bourbon works great.
(Or I should say “liked”; I rarely drink much at all any more.)
I always order bourbon for an Old Fashioned.
A great rye is essential for a Sazerac.
Luckily for me, I imbibe to this day.
i have to assume its (theoretically) aroma/flavor as opposed to any physiological effects, but then again who knows.
i also drink alcohol rarely; if i want to be ‘intoxicated’ ill take THC (edibles or tincture, never smoked) anytime over alcohol — better in every way vs alcohol as far as i am concerned.
I dig edibles. I did smoke for decades. I ultimately stopped when I married a woman with young kids.
I gave smoking a shot several years later, but I just don’t like smoking anymore. I find CBD/THC edibles really nice.
Let’s just say the ZigZag man has a tattoo of me.
Currently on a break from it all, though.
Can’t say I am a gin fan, but this is surprisingly good; even neat…
That’ll give you a buzz. Then you just need to pick up a bass.
It writes itself.
Oh cool! I had mixed luck when I made it. Plenty of alcohol but flavor was odd. Not like it was infected or anything but not sure if the yeast or honey could have been changed out for better results.
I know what you mead by odd. Kind of a side taste if you will. I’ve learned to stop the fermentation a day before bottling with potassium sorbate. Then re-flavor and back sweeten with more honey. I’m not sure but I think that side taste is from the natural yeast that is in the honey. Sometimes I’ll mix it with Sprite or Fresca when I drink it.