What are you struggling with?

Appropriate given the trailer that just released. :slight_smile:


That trailer is amazing!

Great San Francisco homages in there too, down to the song.

Although I couldn’t stop thinking “SILVERHANDS!” given Keanu and the setting.


Back to the thread topic, this week I am struggling with some theory stuff and notereading in the middle neck area while playing. That is to say, I can identify the notes in the 7-11 region; and I can read those notes on the staff. But I struggle with playing the notes WHILE reading and without looking at my fingers. I have been working through Jeff Berlin’s book and hit a wall at lesson 15.

On the theory end, I am struggling with understanding the conceptual difference between a major and minor interval–a topic which I posted about in the theory thread.



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For sure.


I like the irony of him wearing heavy metal chains


Apparently what I’m struggling with is keeping possession of my Bass.

Went down to my office this evening to find this…

At age 8 is this Josh’s youngest groupie?


That’s a great picture


LOL That is awesome!


Doubtful, but down there for sure.


Its gotta be easier to play with those chains then when he used to have long hair and wore a huge arm cuffs with huge bullets for spikes. Just watch the Raining Blood video if you don’t know what I mean.
You can see is where this video starts. it had to be hard to play with that thing on.

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Yep, looks easier to play with the chains then the spikes.
Love Slayer
This is the song I covered I will just play along as I restart from the beginning.

Edit: Harder to play to the live track than the studio track, for sure.
I LOVE how much Tom Araya Smiles as he sings and plays.


One thing I struggle with is coming up with a meaningful fill at the end of 4 or 8 bars. I jam along to You Tube tracks that lack bass. Various ideas include ascending or descending fills, connecting with the next chord, playing an octave higher, various techniques such as slides and hammer ons, using call and response, and playing pentatonics. Sometimes the fill works but often it sounds out of place and inappropriate.
Maybe I just need more practice.


Something like the Chord Tone Essentials from TalkingBass.net would help with that.

It’s even on sale right now.

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I am struggling.

Oh, it’s all “first world problems”, but I’m struggling nonetheless.

My “new” bass (2001 Carvin B4) that I purchased last Saturday on Reverb didn’t ship until Tuesday because the vendor “had to wait for a box big enough to ship it in” got there. When it finally did ship, it gave me an expected delivery date of 9/27, but the next day changed to “on the way but delayed”. When I looked yesterday at the shipment details, it still hadn’t left its state of origin (PA… I’m in CA). I wanted to know why they’d had it for three days but it still hadn’t left the state, so I hit up live chat with a rep. They told me that even given the delays the expected delivery date was 9/27 and that it will probably still arrive on Monday. Even though it hadn’t yet left PA and there’s a weekend in there. I’m dubious.

I also ordered a new mouse from Amazon for work using Amazon’s next day shipping. That was supposed to be here yesterday, but it’s been delayed to sometime around the 25th or 26th.

At this point, I’m thinking it’s me. People just don’t want to deliver to me.

Oh, and work’s been so busy that I haven’t completed a BB lesson since the 17th. Thank the gods for “mute” on TEAMS and Zoom, which is giving me valuable noodling time during work meetings. :smiley:


Can I offer a suggestion, because this is something I’ve struggled with as well . . .
Play less
Just because it’s called a fill, you don’t have to fill the whole bar :grinning:
Hit two cool notes (slap the flat 7 & root, for example) and come back in right on top of the one and you look like a freaking genius.


If this is FedEx, ignore all updates.
They are in such a bind their systems are a mess.
They have massive delays for sure, but, the ‘where its at’ is completely wrong for the last many weeks.


Another example of a ridiculously easy, low stress fill. It comes just after the first chorus and is simply open D, 2nd fret E, back to open D, 2nd fret B back to the root C on the One. They key is the timing. If you land that C right on the downbeat, everybody goes, “Oooh, he’s good!”:grinning:


It’s actually UPS. Which, I don’t think, is much better.