What are you struggling with?

Most biomed apps are also Windows only… which only aggravates the problem :expressionless:


Time -
commuting back and forth and longer work days have pulled a lot of time out of playing anything.

On the plus side hand is much better (neck too, woot) - sadly - my hip is starting to go.




Hey Josh, it’s been a while. I struggle with my Index and Middle fingers in plucking!! It’s like they have a mind of their own and won’t behave…LOL
I practice plucking in different order like 1-2-1-2-1-2, then I will I go between strings up and down just plucking like that, then I will change it up and do something like 1-1-2-2-1-1-2-2 etc… then I would go to 1-2-2-1-2-1-1-2-1-2-2 and just keep trying different things to do with my index and middle plucking fingers…But when I go and try to use the applications in a song, I always seem to end up resorting back to using just one finger… :worried:
Oh, yeah, I always practice very slowly at first and then attempt to build up speed. Also I might mention that I have been a Guitar Player (Lead & Rhythm) for over 50 years. I have only picked up playing at the bass for the past six months. I also recently joined a startup band with several older musicians playing bass for them… for the most part I am really enjoying it, but I wish I could just become more proficient at using the alternating plucking method with my index and middle fingers…
Thanks for everything you do!!
Struggling Bass Player in North Carolina!

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To get to see your post above you will want to use the… @JoshFossgreen tag so he is sure to see it.


I hear you. I have the same problem, I cannot master alternate plucking. No good option to offer, just you’re not alone.


That’s great to do in isolation - the trick is to start bridging the gap by practicing that by playing some super simple notes along with it. If you jump straight to complex bass lines, it’s not surprising you go back to the one finger reflex. Try just playing scales (two plucks per note makes it super simple) and focusing on the alternating. Simple chugging bass lines are great too!

This probably isn’t super useful, as those aren’t patterns you need in real bass lines - just stick to the alternating!


Ugh - that bit of news had eluded me… Hope you are already on the mend!!


Still can’t bass which is dangerous as I am down several hundred bucks in synths and production software in the last two weeks as pity presents for myself :rofl:


Ah… the metaphorical licking of wounds. Familiar sentiment :sweat_smile:


Exactly :slight_smile:


So… I am having some theory / chords / arpeggios lessons outside of B2B.

My teacher asked me for a simple
| C | % |Am | % | Dm | % | G | % | from start to finish, over and over, accompanying
Pretenders - Don’t get me wrong. OK, easy… not much of a big deal, just time it so everything sounds right.

Today… he said:

  • Now instead of only the 1 of the chord, I want the corresponding arpeggio.
  • When that is done 8 bars going up, 8 bars going down.

My brain… tilt!

To end that… Mark King… Yeah… that one.

I have 3 months to learn how to play that as he wants me to accompany a drummer that a colleague of him is teaching.

So yeah… I am struggling to convince myself to start practicing this daily… :expressionless:


Cheat code: All of the notes in each of those arpeggios for that progression will reside in the root key (C).


Yeah… that much I know… it’s just arpeggiating this that is giving me chills.

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But it will be worth it. My favorite moment on instrument in Ratatata is the descending arpeggio that bridges the pre-chorus and chorus. Worth the practice time.


Awesome assignment!! Dune Tune is so cool and fun to learn!! The hard part is to let those strings ring that need to ring while muting the others and then stop the ringing ones when required :rofl:

There is a three-part YT tutorial out there…
(Can’t find part 1 right now, but I am sure some digging will unearth it):

Oh, and remember to apply a good dash of chorus!!


That one is very nice! I am having precision issues on the A to B slide… and keep it ringing as I add E to the voice.

Thanks for the video!

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Arm is improving, the Orthopedist has me starting on self-driven PT from this week. So now expect lots of swearing at myself.

Maybe I’ll try some bass, got a couple ideas.


Do it, man. As long as it doesn’t hurt anything, go for it.