What’s your “goal song”?

Picked up the itch to learn something new (to me, anyway!), so I’m taking on the wacky ghost notes in ‘Dark Necessities’ as of last night. I got the slap-ghosting pretty good, but pop is a little harder and I’m not quite there with it yet.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the song, so video provided for Flea tax:



A few songs that I first heard in the early 80’s made me want to play bass.
Like I first wanted to be a drummer. Played a little in Grade school after trying Viola first, followed by Trumpet, and then Drums. I wanted to be a drummer bad. I played Slim Jim Phantom in 5th or 6th grade talent show with two friends, we did Stray Cat Strut IIRC. Or Rumble In Brighton, or any number of songs that we loved back then.

Then I heard two stand out bands that quickly changed my sights to play bass. Two album’s to be exact. Two songs off one of them, and the whole other album.

Later, when I actually had my own money and could get instruments, my best friend already chose Bass, so I went guitar. He was a lefty, so it was not like we could trade off. I was really into Pantera, White Zombie, Danzig, Slayer, etc… so I was cool with playing guitar at the time.

But now that I finally settled on bass, so many moons later, I would have to look back to these two albums, One whole Album and 2 songs off the other one.
For the whole album, I already got 3 songs pretty much down, with 2 others in the works (and there are really a couple songs I don’t really care too much about, but it would be cool to know a whole album).
The other one, although I have not played them all the way thru, I have learned the major parts that made me want to play bass.

First, it was
The Sex Pistols, “Never Mind the Bullocks”
So far, I got down
No Feelings
God Save the Queen
Pretty much Anarchy in the Uk
and working on
Pretty Vacant

Truth be told, as a kid, listening to that album (and The Great Rock n Roll Swindle) bass was part of it, but I really just wanted to be Sid Vicious. Since he was the bass player (on stage after the album was recorded, he only did one song on it) I wanted to be a bass player.


The Album that sealed the deal. When I first heard this album, it changed my life, and I knew someday I would play bass.
The year was 1982
The Album was “Peace thru Vandalism”
The band was The Vandals.
The songs were
The first song on the album, opens with a great punk rock bass line. It is not hard to play, I know it now, but I have to play the rest of the song to be there.
Song is “Wannabe Manor”
I actually had a bass for a short time in 9th / 10th grade, along with guitar and practice drums, but never really used them. I actually had a friend transcribe the part I wanted to play so desperately, and teach it to me.
He did not figure it out RIGHT, but it was not all that far off.
The song is
“A Pirate’s Life”
The Vandals are a local Huntington Beach band, that was part of the Orange County punk scene in the early 80’s.
This song is about dropping acid, and going to Disneyland, and getting lost in the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride.
It is a great bass song all around, but it has a break in the middle where the bass line is
“Yo Ho, Yo Ho, the pirate’s life for me, We rape and pillage, and burn the village and life is but a joy”

It does not sing the words, but it plays the melody on bass.
So, thats the line I learned wrong as a kid, and the line I now know.
I still have to play thru the whole song however.

So I guess as far as GOAL SONGS, those would be the two,
I already posted a cover of “No Feelings” But the link is not working, I am checking to get it fixed, so I would say one goal from Never Mind the Bullocks is done.
So I need to learn to play 2 songs thru and post covers to get my first (and longest lasting) goal songs over with, and then pick new goal songs.

“Wanna Be Manor”

“A Pirate’s Life”




Very Funky! I like it.


Nice! I love Strobe, and that’s a really solid mix :slight_smile:

Can’t decide which of his stuff I like the most, between Strobe, HR 8938 Cephei, Polaris, and Hit Save.


Short Term Goal:

50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge

  • Certainly doable with all that @JoshFossgreen and @Gio did with producing the Noteflight tabs. And the work done by @JT and @gcancella (and so many others) in organizing and working through figuring out how to do the hard parts. I just need to get it done.

Mid Term Goal:

Learn all songs from the first three Jane’s Addiction albums. This is including the self titled live album that was their first release.

  • This is going to be more difficult. Finding official bass tabs for a, relatively, short lived alternative band from the '80’s is proving difficult.

Long Term Goal:

Create or learn a solo bass arrangement of the Animals 1964 3/4 time version of House of the Rising Sun replacing the organ solo with a bass solo that follows what the organ plays and is equally as elaborate.

  • Oh yeah. This is going to be hard. I’m hoping that getting a teacher involved will make things considerably easier. I’m look forward to it.

I guess when I eventually learn to play this would be one of my goal songs.

I didn’t know where else to ask this so if it’s in the wrong place, my bad.

I’m obsessed with the bass tone in this song!
It’s called, This Joint by a group called, Slightly Stoopid.

I know generally speaking that reggae works well with the neck pick up dialed up and the bridge dialed all the way down (from what I’ve read).

Does anyone know how to achieve this specific almost muted sounding tone??? I don’t hear it often, but I love it. At least on this song.

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My guess would be compression and overdrive. I have not looked for that specific tone, but I like it, and that is where I would start.

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Cool man. Thanks!

You can stuff a bit of sponge under the strings at the bridge, @Pablo . . . :slight_smile:



Hmm, there seems like a simple, lofi way of getting that result. Thanks!

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For me it would be Rondo of Nightmare, though I will never get the double tap bass solo down.

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I found I had intonation problems doing this on my TRBX504.
Solution - I cut slots in the sponge so it is not pushing up on the strings.
Also have tried using the sponge with slots on top of the strings at the bridge - also seems to work.


Boh uses hair scrunchies at the nut.

Never tried it.


He’s pretty much the master of tapping, so if it works for him…

Not the same as foam at the bridge though.
Here is a quote from a previous thread dealing with this -

“A neck or fret wrap will only dampen open strings, and I think harmonics, and foam at the opposite end (the bridge) will dampen everything”.


Yeah. Which is probably why he does it that way. I think what Boh is doing would be greatly preferable for the style he plays, very modern sounding, bright lead bass lines, often via tapping. A foam bridge piece would really deaden his sound, when all he needs is open string muting for the tapping. He’s not going for a vintage Motown tone there :slight_smile:

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Good idea, @Celticstar . . . :+1:


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