What song are you currently/next "working on"?

So today i met with the surgeon. Turns out my hip is fully fried and there are no options left other than a full replacement. The really groovy thing was when she told me that my xrays and mri films indicate that the other one is needing replaced soon as well.

So i go three weeks from tomorrow for that. that should be a fun fall season me as i learn to walk again.

They asked if i had any questions and i said " am i going to be able to play the saxophone after this?"

She says “i certainly can’t see any reason why not.”
I says " that’s awesome, because i can’t play a note right now."

I got the blank stare. Guess I’m not as funny as i thought. Bright side is im gonna have plenty of time to practice, on account i automatically get 3 months before i can consider going to work.


Good luck but you won’t need much. Hips are an easy thing these days and recovery is relatively easy.


They say how fast and well i recover is entirely up me and how much effort i put into it. I’m all about a work ethic, so I’m hoping for a real good run on it.

My girl and her mother are phenomenal. My grandson gave up his video game room, and they got me an electric recliner so i can sleep comfortably after.
Already got a walker for the first week, and a cane that I’m supposed to use for the first month.
So they set me up a nice recovery room, 10 steps to the bathroom. Brought in the little fender rumble 40 and a rack for a couple basses. I’m a lucky fellow.


Best of luck with your surgery @autumnsdad1990!
Your doctor seems to be needing a humerus replacement! Ha ha tell her that joke see if she gets it!


You are going to be a virtuoso in no time at all


Good luck with the surgery!


All the best for a speedy recovery @autumnsdad1990


Best of luck with the surgery @autumnsdad1990 !


Thank all of you, i always really appreciate everyone’s support here in the forum!


Good luck, man! My dad had the same done - first one, then the other. And that was 25 years ago! Should be ‘routine’ now!

And, yes, some of these doctors have absolutely no sense of humor :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Today i have some extra time, so I’m working on something i really like. All these things I’ve done by the killers.


Oh my, this one feels good. Evil woman by electric light orchestra. Best part of learning this? Seeing my girl cut a groove out of the corner of my eye


“In Between Days” by the Cure – quite simple bassline, but I’ve always loved the song, and now being able to play along to the YouTube video is so much fun! My first song after completing this course earlier this week.


Nice! Simon Gallup is one of my favorite bassists.


I like how his lines are generally not all that complicated and over the top, but instead manage to be such driving forces of the songs. I love when musicians can do that, like the catchy hooks of Depeche Mode keyboard licks, etc.


I think I’m gonna attempt interstate love long today. I think I’m probably also gonna fail a lot, but it’s all good. I’m quite used to that.


It’s not too difficult to get reasonably right @autumnsdad1990



It’s all part of the process, I screw up A LOT myself when learning a song.
Find a system that works best for you whether that’s charting the tabs, following along on yt… There is a way to learn songs that work for you, once you find the method(s) it’ll get easier.
You’ll still make mistakes but so do the pros.


It’s not really that bad. I only got through like half. It’s s funny little timing thing, and I’ll get it-but it’ll take a minute…

I’m actually really disappointed, because yesterday i heard something I’ve never heard of. The band is called 24 carat black, and the song was 24 carat black theme. I simply cannot find a bass tab for this.
And that’s sad, because it was pretty doggone good funk…

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I’m going to attempt it again. King of pain by the police. Makes my hand hurt. By the time i get past the opening chords, i remember that arthritis is real.