What song are you currently/next "working on"?

I cannot escape Daydream Beleiver. 7/11 Japan uses it as a theme song and its muzak played like half the time I am in the store.

My death metal drugstore made up for it though. There was a nice, upscale drugstore I used to go to whose owner apparently really liked death metal. So when I needed cough drops, I usually got me some doomcore.


A death metal drug store! Something I can’t see in Melbourne unfortunately but we can dream lol :joy:


I honestly don’t know if Daydream Believer’s popularity here is from The Monkees or Shonen Knife’s (outstanding) cover.


That’s an alright version :+1:

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I tried playing it early on while I was doing the B2B course and it was a bit frustrating at the time, but I think I will re-visit it while on this business trip and add it to my “What are working on?” list.

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That’s an interesting rendition. I can’t say I’ve heard it while in a 7/11 when in Japan, but I’ll keep my ears open for it next time I’m there.

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The one they play in 7/11 is not that cover, it’s just muzak. It’s awful.


It’s not over hard @JerryP except for a couple of little fills if and it’s a big if I have a decent tab version .

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LOL I actually found it :slight_smile:


Every 7-11. It’s maddening.


OMG :joy::joy::joy:


It gets worse. Yodobashi Camera has stolen “Battle Hymn of the Republic” for some reason :slight_smile:


That is gold :joy::joy::joy:
The Japanese people are so reserved in one way but so out there in another

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Just “kinda finished” Money from Pinkfloyd using Transcribe! and my ears. The video below was a quick test of the video/sound quality with my DAI connected to my phone (USB-C) and recording as it is

Now I am trying to learn Can’t Stop from RHCP no ear training this time because I want to get better on slap technique…

I am following the lesson from Mark (TB)

The ghost notes are pretty challenging so I skip that part for now…


I have exactly the same problem. In theory it should be easy but it’s really hit and miss :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Wow… both these videos are so strange. “Daydream” as BGM I think I can deal with, but “Battle Hymn” was creeping me out. LOL Never heard it played like that before. I hope I don’t develop an ear worm with this. :grimacing:


Dude. That is really weird.


By my side I needed a small break in the lessons, so for the first time I’m deeply looking to song to play in order to try something new and after few test, I’m working on “sign of the cross” from Iron Maiden… I’m fan of the band but strangely before I start to learn bass I never, never telling myself “wow this intro is soooo badass”… regarding my level it’s not easy but I’m so happy to play it… even if it’s not perfecr :smiley:


Awesome @Dani
You might find Wasted Years an easier song to tackle. I’m still muddling my way through it but just about got everything sorted bar a couple of fills


The first time I heard it I was super jetlagged and it was really surreal.


@Mac after only watching the lesson video over and over and playing 5 minutes per day (we have two little babies at home) finally I got to move on a little bit. Still missing a lot. But at least I can enjoy practicing this!

Need to get easier videos though. I don’t know why my phone always records stereo (single channel) from the USB Focusrite Scarlet Solo. On PC it is always mono