What song are you currently/next "working on"?

In an effort to work on songs, a lot of my library has come from https://playbasslines.sellfy.store. Today, a $9.99 sale starts on some of the books (sales are sort of frequent). And to those who can’t wait to derail a post, transcribe if you like. I put this here for those who may be interested in a great source for reasonably priced tabs/notation, of some great artists of various genres. Instant PDF downloads.


There is indeed a LOT of stuff there, @booker_t - nice!


Thanks for the link Booker! Didn’t know this site existed.


And one that I have posted previously. Free Bass Transcriptions in standard notation and tabs has great free transcriptions. Standard notation followed by tabs for most selections. Totally free, but If you do like the large amount you see for free, you can make a donation (approx: $5 Euro), you get to download the entire catalog (over 4,000 pages of transcriptions over 2+ books, without the watermark. The only thing about over 4000 pages of transcriptions is there is no table of contents. They are alphabetical, but scrolling through to see all of the songs is a challenge each time you visit or try to check for one alphabetically.

Edit: Yesterday, @MikeC and @mr.crispy we talked about the Duck Dunn book. On the above site, there is a free Duck Dunn bass transcription on an entire Johnnie Taylor album at the top of the page.


Very cool arrangement, @Al1885! Love the alternative harmonies and melodic twists. I love Stevie’s classic version, of course, but I also love it when great jazz arrangers interpret tunes differently. :+1:

I’m adding this tune to the “For the Love of Jazz” thread so those who dig jazz are aware of it.


Good luck Barney. This song shouldn’t give you any trouble.

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The recent discussion thread about “Bass Heroes” made me realize that I don’t know enough Joe Dart songs. Since I’m waiting on my Duck Dunn book to be delivered, I figured I’d give “Daddy, He Got a Tesla” a try.

Holy friggin’ ghost notes, Batman.

I suck at ghost notes. I mean I really suck. No matter where I hit them I wind up creating harmonics in places that shouldn’t have any damn harmonics.

I guess this is a great opportunity to “git gud”, as is the popular internet vernacular.

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Well @Paul_9207 playing Blink 182 songs loudly with others is waaay too much fun.

Back next week for more chugging!


Well someone needs to tell my drummer friends to step up their game! Any time I say I want to play Blink they all say no, they can’t play it.


kansas. Wayward Son

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Pantera - I’m broken but not entirely sure what these curved lines up with 1/2 on top are.

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Those curve lines with the 1/2 are bends on the string. They indicate a semi tone bend of the E string. So you would need to bend the string down to get the pitch of the string a semi tone higher. You see this in guitar tabs all the time, but not that often on bass tabs.


Perfect, thanks


The Specials - Ghost Town


“Ghost Town” is one of my favourites of The Specials, though I prefer “A Message to You Rudy” (or anything really from their first album - it’s great!!!)

Maybe this will help a little?


Wow, you totally bass-hero’d it. Thanks!


For non-Dutch: nothing to see here :slight_smile:

Hey Eelke,

ik heb net ook “Nederwiet” van Doe Maar online gezet. Misschien ook leuk om te spelen??!

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Ik zag het ja. Leuk! Die gaat ook op de lijst :smiley:

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Als je nog moeite met bepaalde tracks hebt - tell me! Ik heb net een beetje tijd en kan nog een paar videos maken…

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Als je hier een filmpje van zou kunnen maken; heel graag. Alvast bedankt!

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