What was the first song you learned on bass all the way through?

It was creep BUT I started wanna play bass because of “For whom the bell tolls”


Creep is a great tune especially the bass line and one of my favourites to play @Tallulah :sunglasses:
But why a Metallica song for your other inspirational tune? With a cat called Lemmy I would have thought “Ace of Spades” should be up there lol :joy:
As my T shirt bought shortly after Lemmys passing says “ It should have been Lars!” :scream::joy:


Lars told a good Lemmy story when he passed. Lars was in England, he didn’t say but must have been his King Diamond sojourn, and sat in on a Motorhead recording session. After Lemmy talked to him for about an hour, and was so inspired he flew home and called up Hetfield to start Metallica. So it’s Lemmy’s fault lol


Nice, I love me some Minor Threat.


I’d forgotten he was in King Diamond @Wombat-metal :scream:
Oh Lemmy, what have you done :joy:


Me too, when they say don’t drink or smoke that’s exactly the time that I do it. I never really followed the whole Straight Edge movement. Neither did they now that I think about it. LOL


Not the movement, but the music is so full of energy, that I love it. Don’t really care about the message for the most part, but love the aggression.
Ian Mckay still won’t give interviews to any publication that advertises alcohol, as far as I know.
But it was an evolution of punk rock. At first punk was all the outcasts, then being an outcast with bad behavior became the norm, so they stepped up and said, we are outcasts, but don’t want to do drugs and smoke, but fuck you, we are here, so step the fuck back and let us do our thing. Most of his first album was just saying that, and pointing people out.

“you tell me, you like the taste of it”
“and you tell me, its only natural”
“you tell me, it calms your nerves”
“and you tell me you want to be different”
“you jut mad a change for the same”

Lyrics may be out of order a little, but they are all in the song.
TBH, if I could change anything in my life, it probably would be to never have smoked. Its not that I didn’t enjoy it, and I still smoke some, but its pointless. At least other things change your head. :wink:
And I probably spent more on smokes in my life then Alcohol and drugs (tho it is close, or come to think of it, maybe not, but still, its a friggen lot of money)

Nobody was gonna tell me back then what to do, but had I first got into Minor Thread and a local HB band Uniform Choice (I went to High school with the Dubar’s, what was Pat’s other band, MindFunk or something), instead of Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Fear (and I dearly love all those bands, and more, but just illustrating a point), then maybe, just maybe things would have been different. Probably not, cuz its more then just music that makes these life choices, but maybe, when the message is “you don’t have to do it to fit in”


I know. I respect the movement, decisions and their lifestyle. I don’t have any problem with less punks pissing on streets out in public. I still listen to Minor Threat like some of the best in punk to this day.

When it’s time to relax, drink and light me a couple of doobers. I usually will put them on, but it can’t be a couple of tracks. I put the entire discography on. It’s not like it’s too long anyways. Most of the tracks are like a minute and a half but the imprint they left behind was huge.


I LOVE the IRONY to sitting around getting relaxed (loaded) and listening to.

“I’m a person, just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Then sit at home, fuck my head
hang out with the living dead
snort white shit up my nose
passing out at all the shows
I don’t even think about speed
it’s something I just don’t need
I’ve GOT

Oh yeah, I love it, and trust me, I have done it hundreds of times, and would even change the lyrics to suite my situation.

My favorite album for this is Group Sex by Circle Jerks
That album is SO SHORT, they even put the tracks on twice on the retail CD, so it plays itself back to back. it’s like 13 minutes of absolute brilliance.

No doubt, they left a crater so big, that if you filled it with water it would be all the great lakes.


LOL!!! Ok! Ace of spades is really ok with me. But the thing is… I’m in love with James (and Bob and Cliff, of course)
I think I’ll take your piece of advice, @Mac jajajajajaja


That’s my favorite part. Not doing what they told me to LOL

Yeah that’s why I just let their discography play in one go. Their entire discography is really like the size of one full length album. I probably love Out of Step most. It’s hard to choose, all of their music carries significance.




HaHaHa, love that.


Lars lived in Irvine, CA. He attended University High School, and played drums in a high school band with Joey Allen (Warrant) that was fronted by my cousin. My aunt also worked at that school as a Guidance Counselor. Other notables have come from that school, probably most famous two are Lars and Will Ferrell.
No, my cousin never did anything further with music, too bad Lars did :wink:
Napster may still be alive had he not.

I read that he heard Diamond Head, and flew to England to see them. When he got back he placed an add in the Recycler and James answered it.
I did not know about the Lemmy part, Maybe they were at the same show and struck up a conversation.
I never saw that Lemmy was in King Diamond, but Mickey Dee was.

Apparently, Lars moved to America to follow in his fathers footsteps and be a professional Tennis player, but when he got here, he changed to music. Must be those damn American youth teenagers and peer pressure. with Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll :rofl:


I might have confused Diamond Head with King DIamond, I will blame my age. He went to see them and couched surfed with the band, and he never mentioned them but it had to be during that trip he saw Lemmy.


You knew more than I did, other then him in a HS band with my cousin, I had to look the rest up, cuz I never knew that part of his story, but I wanted to see if I could find him with Lemmy. That part I did not find, it was basic generic Wiki stuff, but I am sure you are right about the Lemmy part.


I love “Filler”, and “I don’t want to hear it”. How can an album open any better.


Oh man, I totally forgot these guys existed. What a throwback


Loved a few Warrant tunes :+1:


The part I wasn’t sure of was how Hetfield came in, but you fixed that. Lars said he flew home and called the guy from the bulletin board, which was Hetfield. Now I see that he left the notice and Dave must have responded,