What will you be playing today?

The slow workout for Billie Jean…lol

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I’m working this weekend.
7.30 am here in UK and I’m just running through James Jamerson’s chromatic excercise before I leave home.

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I’ve had the slow workout done… as in “for one duration of the slow workout video, I played the right notes at more or less the right time”.
But I’m not happy with it. I keep hearing artefacts of sloppy technique, and I’m having trouble alternating properly. Plus, at one point, my left hand cramped, causing my thumb to lock up against the middle finger… so I’m doing something wrong. As I have hypermobility in my left thumb (double-jointed), it’s probably something I’m prone to do, so I’ll have to pay attention to that too.

So, all in all, have I got the slow workout really, reproducibly done? Nope.
Just gave my hand a rest, chugged down some Merlot, gonna try again now.
I found it easier to run thrrough the bassline without the video playing along in the background, so I’m gonna practice that first, before I allow The Joshua to distract me. :wink:


It’s a good technique practice lesson that I still work in to my practice all the time.

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Just for a change of pace, I am trying to dabble a little into “Autumn Leaves” today… walking bass would be said too much, it will be more root-fifth to mirror the chords in the first go, and perhaps a little “soloing” over a G aeolian scale!?!

Here is a nice playalong:

PS: if you try the root-fifth like me, watch out for the A diminished chord, which, of course, requires the diminished fifth (Eb)!!


Excellent choice. I’m a big fan of Autumn Leaves, but have never tackled it properly yet. Probably do it in a month or two though. Want to finish the course first.


exactly my thing today

1st time to record something


That’s really good. Well done.
You obviously have the musical understanding down pat, and just need to keep doing it now, to make your technique second nature :+1:


That’s great!

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Wow, you are “walking” very nicely already - well done!


Nice Marcel… I would have to find the tabs for this as Im still learning my notes along the fretboard… something very refreshing about a simple walking bass line!

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Same here peter… I have the slow down but still not smoothly and with plenty of artifacting and moments of “Oh S*&^ wrong fingering” LOL

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I finished the course at the end of November and intended to go back through it starting at Module 8 (my skill/understanding level started me at that point) but time has flown by and I haven’t touched it yet, so I will be starting that later on today.


That is really nice! Well done!

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Tonight: Making a Reaper drum map for MIDI-controlling my drum machine, then playing with my 5-string.

Contemplating getting a MIDI keyboard controller again, but I have nowhere to put it, and that’s just going to lead to a deep, deep rabbit hole of exploring synth VSTi’s.

edit: Oh no. Immediately found an outstanding looking VSTi for my old synth. Luckily it’s not free.


I am also on and off thinking about such a controller again… they don’t need to fill a lot of space and you can get good ones around USD150 or so:

I think I could also make do with the little brother, the LX25+ with only 25 keys - I am not really a keyboard player anyway, but a keyboard could make entering chords etc into a work station easier…


That’s a pretty nice one, full size keys even. I would probably get a cheaper one like the mini Korgs or an M-Audio. Plus I would definitely need a 25-key due to space.



You dropped your lowest string to D? :wink:


it happens :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but it was not what I was showing !