What will you be playing today?

I still practice chugging… In “Money” by Pink Floyd there is one part that is “Chuggin’ to the third degree”! I still have problems hitting every note in that lick in that time frame… Damn nears need to use a pick and pop an up and down instead of index/thumb in order to make it work…

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@PeteP That sucks, man. I hope it gets better soon.

I already told about my friend who used to play bass in a professional ZZ Top cover/tribute band. the ZZ Top songs are full of relatively high speed shuffle and chugging. with my friend we spoke about Dusty Hill’s technique, and he (my friend) said that he (Dusty) often plays with his index only and he uses it to play down/up like we would do with a pick. I tried briefly, it works well, the feeling and sound is somewhat between alternating with bare fingers and using a pick. there is this “wavy” feeling I get with the pick (and I like) but not the sharp/bright attack of the plastic pick.

SPOILER ALERT : I plan to do a ZZ Top cover soon to test this technique in a full-song context, and also to test a strange sound setup because my friend also told me that Dusty Hill plays with guitar amps to get a focused tone in the mid-range. 'have to test that.


Looking forward to this one!! And the up down index finger is something I’m certainly gonna try! Thanks @terb!

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I’m working through Module 6 and learning “Hey Joe” on the side. I’m also writing an original song for a guitarist and drummer I work with to add to.


My dad who is a gigging bassist has always used guitar amps as he prefers more mid-range. He uses a Marshall Tube amp and stack right now. Me…I prefer more “Booty” to my music so full on bass amp for me!

Looking forward to that ZZTop cover!

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Your dad should check out the new Bass Butler from Orange. From what you describe, I think he’d absolutely love it. It combines a guitar channel and a bass channel amongst other things.

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Love, love, love the tone of a Marshall Tube Amp! Even though I have a couple Ampegs (BA-108 & BA-115) I use my Marshall Class 5 35 Watt tube amp combo guitar amp to play both Telecaster guitars and my bass’s with when I practice and play at home. The deep smooth tones are so damn satisfying! Yea, it’s a little heavy and you gotta let those tubes warm up, but when they do get warmed up and you start to pluck out a little Motown R&B… Damn… and I only run it at about 1/3 volume.


Today I am trying to transcribe one of my favourite basslines.
Bass starts at 36 seconds


Transcribing tip number one.
Make sure your bass is actually in tune before you start learning the tune. Don’t learn the tune and then have to re-learn it once you have tuned your bass.


:joy: Did you use a special tuning before?? It sounds you were way off (i.e., like a fret or so)!?!

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I am going to blame Christopher White for being out of tune what with it being fretless and all :grinning:
I was like a demi semitone out because my bass was in it’s bag and the tuners probably got knocked about

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Awesome music but OMG that trumpeteers face!! :astonished:
Freaks me the hell out every time his face inflates like that…


That was his trademark :slight_smile:


Made Kermit turn green with envy :joy:


[quote=“infra, post:53, topic:5838”]
Freaks me the hell out every time his face inflates like that…

Dizzy was certainly a legend! One of the greatest…



I’m riiiiight there at that point today, actually! So… if you haven’t heard from me in, say, 24 hours, alert the authorities.


will probably record a cover today :grin:

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You got this… I ALMOST have the slow workout down. Getting easier…and Im so stubborn I wont quit until I at least get the slow workout down!

Good news is I went back to plays some other songs on Rocksmith that I have struggled with …and they are EASY now! Walking on the Moon by The Police had me in fits with the string crossing… but NO MORE! :guitar::guitar:


Which slow workout? There’s loads of them.