What's everyone's favorite song to play?

I’m 52 my oldest is 8 then 4 and a boy 1. Like every Dinks out there we were career first and tried to have everything ready for the kid(s) but when the time comes it was not what we expected. My wife is 14 years younger so it’s not a big deal for her.

If I can go back and do it abain I’d probably started 10 years earlier but not more. I got scared straight when I was younger working with a 17 year old pregnant with her 3rd kid and another was a 32 year old grandma. Yikes.


Wow our stories have a little in common I’m 12 years younger than my husband he’s 46 and Im 34. He has no kids I have two. Daughter 10 and son 16. My husband always uses the word dink lol dual income no kids haha. He’s from Seattle. I meet him 3 months after he moved to my state which is my home born and raised. But as much as I don’t wanna leave this state it looks like I might not have any other choice. :sob::sob:


You a prime candidate for the Xbox rocksmith game. It’s seems to be filled with these songs.

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It’s like guitar hero with real bass and guitars playing on Xbox. Pretty cool actually. Check it out on YouTube

I know what guitar hero is I was not sure what the comment was saying cause it had nothing to do with my comment haha.

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Well if/when you start browsing for the song list then you’d understand. When I was shopping for Rock and R&B songs it seems like all I could find was Primus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Ragd against the machine, lol.

PC :+1: there’s way more songs for free :wink:
doesn’t even have to be a really good one, it’ll practically run on a potato :smile:

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90s rock that was radio fare is always on the list. (Collective soul, Cinderella, weezer, etc.)
Really love any clutch or cake basslines-but many of them are above my skill level.
Wish i could play tool basslines.
Really like the police, but limited by my lack of a fretless…
I’ll try literally anything. I just looked at my favorites on songsterr and it’s like 300 deep, not like I’ve mastered any of them.

Asking my favorite to play is like asking me which kid is my favorite. They are all my favorites, and i love them all in different ways for differing reasons.

But this made me think of some i don’t LIKE to play, and one definitely comes to mind-
House of the rising sun. I just hate it. I don’t know why. I made sure i had the lesson down at full speed and proceeded to never play it since.


Sadly most of the great music have already passed us. Mainstream music nowadays are poorly mix and just loud, it seems to be missing dynamic. Final mix feels somewhat clinical and sanitized while being just loud.

The good news is the modern media alternative really bring us some wonderful niches like Cory Wong, Vulfpek, scary pocket and the whole host of other genres.

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Gotta respectfully disagree. There’s more good music being made now than ever. It’s just way outside the mainstream.

Then again, it usually always was too :slight_smile:

Agree that mainstream rock and pop is often still really overcompressed. Luckily at least streaming has normalized away the loudness wars. Some of the worst mixes in history landed in the ‘90s-2000s at the peak

Then again, even pop is better now than it was when I was in high school. Dua Lipa, Lizzo, Grimes, lots of great stuff out there. A vast sea of crap too of course, but pop is pop. It’s always been garbage.


We are in agreement actually. There are more outlets for music and you can get your flavor the way you like it.

Mainstream music still sucks, lol. I have not listened to the radio in years or watched tv for that matter. Except for a few shows like the amazing race, all of my content’s consumption are from subscriptions.


I don’t like any of today’s music. I use to love death metal, in fact some of my guy friends are still in local bands here and I use to go to every show slowly stopped going once they got rid of one of our best venues here. I don’t even listen to the radio anymore not do I even watch TV. Or internet just what I have on my phone kids have flip phones. Yes such a mean mom. I know. And my son listens to today’s crap aka: rap ,:face_vomiting: puke

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I meant to say we don’t even have internet except what’s on my phone.

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Well Hollywood is corrupt so nothing good comes from there. So ya no radio no TV. And deff not mainstream news the fake news.

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My husband is from Seattle Born and raised on Queen Anne Hill the first time he ever saw Lane Staley was way before he was ever famous as the years went by Lane Staley not only his voice changed but his appearance the way he was who he was in general was different and he was weird my husband said he started to lose interest in the man because something was wrong and I bet you anything I know why do you?

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He also lived right down the street from Chris Cornell growing up by the way Chris Cornell has one of the best voices in his genre miss that man


Well it cost money to promote an artist so lots of backdoor dealings witt he radio stations and it’s not the organic way for the song to become popular. Case and point, Sara Bareilles “love song” she was a signed artist that the record company had on their roster for a few years but they don’t produce her music, finally she posted her music on YouTube and it went viral, then they produced her album.

Do you know who tom McDonald is?

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