What's the deal with effects and pedals? (Also: sound in general)

Ok, this gives me another question, somewhat about the usefulness of doing this.
If you create your sound at home, get your bass, amp, pedalboard and everything all dialed into your sound, and then when you go to open mic night, or to a practice rental room, or a small gig at a bar, etc…
If you have created IR mapping or whatever this NU>X Solid Studio, or the Kemper does, when you get to these places, will you have a better chance to match your sound closer, or easier because you recorded your rig at home, and can now use it in public?
Do you guys understand what I am asking, IDK if that is very clear.

I just mean, if you want to record your sound, what is a good practical way to use it, or, is it just so you can share with the rest of the users of whatever device you buy into??? Or, if not amp modeling, just making IR files, same thing, are they useful for you, I mean, you already have your sound at home, are there uses outside the home for those IR files, or is it just to contribute to the IR file growing population?


Yes, I would think so! It is like bringing all your gear (amp, cab, and all) with you all the time!

But, perhaps even more important: you can play one song “on an Ampeg”, the next “through a Bassman” and so on, without either owning any of those in the first place, or the venue where you play having any of those standing around (and no need to switching gear all the time, obviously). You just show up with your, e.g., Kemper Stage, and plug it into the house and let the sound guy do the mixing and some (smaller) fine-tuning.

At least, that is how I understand this (and neither owning such a device nor having gigged, I might be off). Perhaps, @terb or @DaveT can weigh in some more with their wisdom!?

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I completely understand this, and its usefullness, and I understand the desire to have these features.

I am talking more about the capability to create your own IR files. Like the unit I was showing, almost is using it as a selling point.
I am trying to see a real world scenario that this would be desirable or useful?

For one, if you have a great sound, and record it, then you can be a contributing member to the IR file population, which is good, its giving back.
But otherwise, what? this is what I am wondering about.
IF it could help you when you are traveling around, to KEEP the sound you created at home, that is one thing, well, that is a big thing. But if you load your IR file, and still have to recreate your sound when you get there, then it didn’t really do much for you, I guess, IDK, just trying to figure it out.


Yeah, I am at least as confused as you are. So, while we wait for some grown-ups to chime in, here is the link to the entire page where I took some quotations before - could give you a bit more background info about what can be done and what can’t be done:


Funny side story: one of the amps mentioned in the article (the Bogner guitar amp) is made by a guy who auditioned to be the guitar player in the band I played in some 30+ years ago. He was a bit “crazy”, almost never wore shoes and was constantly going on about this amp he had built. Well, he didn’t get the gig (we ended up opting to do without a guitar player), and later left Germany, moved to LA and started building and selling amps there. And, apparently, nowadays, all/most guitar players know of Bogner amps :wink: Way to go!


Awesome, thanks for sharing that. I have heard of them too.


very high end, a friend of mine owns 2 or 3 and of course I played on those amps :v::grin: not my cup of tea to be honest, but yeah, every guitar player know Bogner amps (and cabs).

you can see a few of the Bogners of my friend (which is here with me on the photo) on the background. I had the Soldano at the time … kinda miss it …


i just recently, and confusingly, went through this. i bought the mooer radar which does both cab sims and amp sims. but it is very fussy about power requirements and wasn’t for some reason playing nice with my new power supply. so i thought, oh well, there are a million IR loaders out there, i’ll just get another kind. and sold the mooer to pam. so when i went deeper, trying to find an IR loader that also does amp sims and doesn’t cost a fortune and is smaller than a buick, i found there is … just one. the mooer. so i have re-purchased a used mooer for actually almost exactly the same price i sold mine for :rofl: and it is on it’s way, and i will try to figure out the power requirements for it. and hopefully pam loves hers too, so everybody wins.


Should be 12V center negative. Strange though noone is selling the charger that should go with it :sweat_smile:


it comes with one. it worked fine with the stock charger, obviously. but i just bought a really nice power supply and don’t really want any pedals plugged into my wall anymore :grinning:
i unfortunately jumped to the conclusion quickly that i didn’t want another high voltage high amp pedal on my board, cuz it’s getting hard to make room for them. but i will figure out a way to shuffle things around, worse case scenario is just running 2 power supplies on my board, i still have my old caline.


I don’t really have much to add to this thread. +1 for everything @howard has said about IR, cab sim and amp modelling.

The Kemper is its own beast and they aren’t telling what magic smoke it runs on. I could guess what I think they may be doing, but that’s hardly useful and probably wrong.


don’t you have the Caline Power supply I have, It does have two switchable slot that will do 12v at either 300ma or 500ma.
Full disclosure, I have 2 under my board, but if you have it, it should handle that just fine.

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One day I’ll have to buy such a power brick, but there are so many models …


That was the best budget one I could find. if you can find a better one in that range I would love to know.
That one does not bother with the 100ma minimum outlets, they are all 300ma, and with 2 selectable voltage ones, with one of those at 500mz, and overall it has higher total output.
So many of them have 6-8 that are 100ma, and one or two voltage selectable ones that are 9v/12v/15v/18v 300ma and 500ma with lower total output.
IDK if that makes it better really, this was just my thinking when I bought it, er… Them


that’s fine if you have a lot of pedals but in my case, I won’t have more than 3 or 4. so, I’m more concerned about the filtering and isolating quality ! and also, the more compact the better !


so, the MXR block I guess would work for you


or the boss power pedal maybe??


I’ll have to investigate :face_with_monocle:


I have seen a bunch of tuners that are power supplies lately.
I can’t imaging they are quality isolated outlets, but interesting.

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my Korg tuner has a 9v output but I don’t believe it’s isolated so it’s more or less useless (at least for me)

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it does. that’s the backup plan. a better plan would being able to figure out how to just use my new one. i mean it has 10 damn outlets, i should be able to make everything work :expressionless: