Whats the next bass I should get?

So, I started bass seven months ago and have had a great time an progressed nicely. Now I am picking out a bass for my birthday.(nothing above $500). I was thinking at first to get the Squier classic vibes 70’s jazz bass. But, since I have been playing a p bass I am thinking of getting the p bass now. So, should I go to something new and have a different view or stay with the same thing just upgraded? I ahve been playing the Squier sonic series P bass.


Welcome to the forum @Sanji1008 !

Unfortunately, no can really help with this. Not that we don’t want to. I’m sure plenty of folks can make reccomendations for good basses in the $500 price range.

It’s going to come down to what feels right and sounds right, to you.

If you have a local music store, I reccomend going and trying every single bass they have. You will, quickly, be able to start weeding out the ones you don’t like.


:point_up: Best advice anyone could give on this subject tbh. Just to add, if you’re keeping the Squier and it still makes you want to play it, I’d look at expanding out to something different sound wise. Try out an Ibanez or a Yamaha, get crazy and try a Musicman. Have fun with it and make it an afternoon, and Happy Birthday!


100%, nothing substitutes for feeling the instruments in your hands.


An approach you could take is to consider second hand. I’ve bought, and then sold, a number of basses, chasing that elusive tone and feel.

My approach has been to search Facebook Marketplace and eBay for something that takes my fancy, then read up on that particular brand / model. Assuming I’m ok with what I read, I’ll then make an offer and go and tests the bass out.

Assuming I’ve bought it, it will then get a proper set up and, generally, new strings. If I then like it, it will stay in the collection, if I don’t, it’ll get moved on for the next one. I’ve bought, then subsequently sold an Epiphone Tobias Toby, a Spector, a Schecter, and a Hagstrom Viking. I haven’t lost money on any of the basses - I try to look for bargains…

By doing this, I’m getting a sense of what I like in a bass, and what I don’t like, plus the experience of playing all sorts of instruments. I also have a colleague who is a bassist, so we frequently bring basses into work. Through doing this, I’ve found I don’t like (his) Rickenbacker (it’s an expensive pig to play), but I love his G&L L2000 and his Ibanez EHB1000S, so much so that I bought one (second hand) in pink, rather than boring Sea Foam Green :rofl:


This is another great tip. I have had fantastic luck with used instruments and it’s a great way to let someone else take the depreciation hit from buying new.

Look at it this way. The moment the unboxing happens after getting home from the a music store, your nice formerly “new” instrument is now a used instrument regardless :slight_smile:


If you already have the P bass you can go with Jazz bass. Classic vibe series are just superb. I’d definitely check out Yamaha TRBX 304 or even 504.

What kind of music do you like to play?


This is a great way to go, and if I could ever bring myself to sell any basses, it’s the path I’d be on as well. :wink: I mean, you buy it used for a used price, and when you sell it, it’s only slightly more used and you should be able to get back what you paid for it, or if you got a great bargain you might even be able to make a little.

If you’re looking at new basses around that price point, I’d strongly suggest taking a look at the Sire Marcus Miller line. Lots of excellent basses around that price point and tend to have more/better features than other basses in the same price band.


I have actually turned a profit more than once.


Hard rock, rock for sure.


So many good choices under $500 even more great choices PreOwned.

Are you here in the States? We are quite spoiled as there are plenty of choices…

If you go with used basses you can get Made in Mexico Fender, some are in that price range. Check your local OfferUP, BookFace Marketplace first, because you don’t have to pay tax and many seller will accept small bargain. Do some homework on what you want to get and the price. Make reasonable offer usually 10%-20 off the asking price, Don’t lowball and definitely just don’t ask “What is the Lowest you can go?” :joy:

Reverb and eBay will be next on my list.

Guitar Center is another good place their price is generally low and sometimes they made mistakes and price it even lower. You get 45 days return. SamAsh is also similar with much less selections.

If you are not sure, post the questions here, so many of us have been in your position before and can offer opinion on quality and value.


I’m curious about what you go with. I am about six months in and started with a used Yamaha BB234. Happy with the quality and sound but I discovered that my 72 year old arthritic shoulder doesn’t handle the weight and stretch well. I am now playing with cheap Mitchell short scale pawn shop bass that is very comfortable and doesn’t sound to bad. I hope to make similar upgrade bass purchase when I complete the course.

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I too am moving to short scale due to age and arthritis. There’s lots of options. Check out the thread Short Love to find a trove of short minded ideas. There’s a short scale of your dreams out there.


Nothing wrong with having a PBass and a Jazz Bass. Probably the two most popular and oft bought basses of all time. Much different sound and feel.

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