Which DAW/Video Package?

This is a video I did several years ago with a cell phone and VideoPad. I was pretty new with VideoPad, so the editing could have been better.

This is Pam’s Wine Garden


That is hilarious!!!


@PamPurrs and @gcancella
I got mine setup on my Mac. It took a little extra but I think I have it now. I’m gonna try some test videos tonight and see what happens. I think I can put some title cards using iMovie. I’ll let you know how that works out.


Love it Pam,
I hope you enjoyed your harvest😎
Cheers Brian


I remember that stuff on the ground from when I lived in Phoenix, AZ Grass. lol

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I’ve been playing around with OBS getting everything set up properly, and really love it (Thanks for the recommendation @peterhuppertz)

I was having a problem with latency, and was trying to adjust the audio offset in Advance Settings by trial-and-error. It was taking me forever. I did a google search looking for better ways to do it, and came across this video, in which the fellow explains how to do it with a free software named Blender.
Wow, this method made it so simple to pinpoint that I was 200 ms off. I got it all set now, and there is no more latency in my videos.

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Maybe my setup is different or something. Or I didn’t notice my delay… The video surely is helpful.

The trinity of reliable open source software: Blender, OBS and GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program - No budget Photoshop) :slight_smile:

Yeah I know GIMP wasn’t mentioned but for me it lands in the same category as OBS, Blender and GIMP because it’s free but provides you with everything you need.


Wait - is this Blender, the 3D modeler, or a different Blender we’re talking about?

Haven’t watched the video but I am trying to picture why you would use Blender (the modeler) with music software.


Yes it is. He mentions that at the beginning of the video.