Your Bass Muting Technique Sounds Like S**t (How to Fix It)

Don’t despair! I feel muting is very much a continued practice sort of thing and you shouldn’t feel like you’re failing at bass if you’re not muting 100% correctly 100% of the time. I myself wasn’t physically able to do flat-hand technique when I first started playing bass, and now after some time spent, my fingers will actually bend that way as I play – but I still have to think to do it, sometimes. I wasn’t doing much of it at all until I started to get into playing with the pick and found some stuff just couldn’t be palm-muted, if that makes sense. It’s just another layer of learning – not the whole kit-n-kaboodle. :slight_smile:


Ye I just did a practice and it didnt feel so bad actually just have to think about it a bit more… Its weird when your so comfortable doing something a certain way then changing it all together… Just have to take things a little slower again for a while.


I thought my muting was okay until I started playing with synths pedals. Seems I need to improve a lot more :sweat_smile:


Anyone that wants to get better at muting fast, try playing with a pick for a while. It’s kind of a forcing function for muting improvement.


Hi @JoshFossgreen,
Little help with the String Sitter? I’ve been working this technique hard and have all but eliminated the buzz (and there was much rejoicing). Now the hard part is getting the muting. I found (particularly in module 6, lesson 1 on higher frets like B on E string) the string continues to vibrate as a B even when I nail the lift. It’s as if my finger becomes the fret instead of the fret board) :thinking:. I’m pinky fretting the B so even adding fingers below the pinky doesn’t help.

Is there a way to stop this with fret hand or just use a plucking hand mute. String sitter seems most efficient and seems to work best further down the fret board for me.

Hey Geoff, that happens if you string sit right where a harmonic node lives, like the 7th fret, in that case you can either:

  • Scoot your finger away from that spot
  • Get multiple fingers touching the string
  • Add the plucking hand mute (worst solution cuz not as flexible)

Thank you @JoshFossgreen.
Appreciate the thoughtful explanation as well as the fix options. :pray:t2:.


This was a big help. I have subscribed to Scott’s Bass Lessons and Talking Bass and, in addituon to what they have provided, this gave me a little more visual help. It might also be that I just wanted to focus on muting today, but in any event, it was a big help.

Thank you


Wondering who has tried the sneaky finger (pinky) technique.

I’m trying to learn it recently (starting with Pretty Pink Ribbon and higher scales).

I find resting my pinky on the E throws my plucking off. Changes the shape of my hand.

Welcome ideas on how to adjust or practice to make it natural. :pray:t2:

Yo bass bro…
It would be great if you would give everyone the low down on SBL’s.
I see its all pay as you go, how does it work and your thoughts? :jbass: :sunglasses:

Hello all and aloha Friday! Although I am new to the course and community (I introduced myself just last week) I have been messing around with bass for the past year. Back in December I wanted to learn to use a pick and decided on White Zombie’s Thunder Kiss '65 after hearing the song for the first time in a long time on the radio.

My question is about muting when playing with a pick. The E string is constantly ringing as I go from the E to A string and I don’t know how best to mute it. One popular cover artist, CoverSolutions YouTube channel, uses his fretting hand thumb to mute the E string and gives an explanation for his decision to not do something “correct” in the video (the pinned comment in the youtube video below).

I can’t embed video but the link is to the CoverSolutions channel cued up to one part of Thunder Kiss '65 where you can observe how he uses his thumb.

I just wanted to reach out here for assistance with muting when playing with a pick. What are your recommendations? What should I practice?

Thank you in advance.


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The thumb around the neck is a valid technique for this, but you also can play this part with your Index Finger touching the E string lightly while fretting the A string. That is how I tend to do it…

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